Friday 1 May 2015


Another chilly morning here and the skies don't appear to be clear although in the half light between night and day it's harder to tell than when it's completely dark.  I slept like a log last night after going to bed early and had a full eight hours' sleep so no complaints.

Today was on OK day.  The afternoon was a hoot - the children were starting to make papier mache butterflies and had folded card in half to get their shape.  The number of children who appeared with half a butterfly in each hand and a sheepish expression - well, suffice it to say we must have accounted for a couple of trees in the rain forest!

Today we start the gluey bits.  Oh, dear!

We're celebrating this evening.  S and M are still here and S had some brilliant news yesterday so it's takeaway Chinese and wine for us!  Very nice too!

I hope you all have a great day.  As for me, it's coffee time.


  1. Sounds like you are in for a lovely, if not somewhat sticky day. :o)
    Can't wait for our celebration this evening. So looking forward to this. :o)
    Have a good day.

  2. A lovely good news celebration to you all! Hope it includes a pud...:)

  3. Tsk, paper comes from coniferous trees not rainforests (grin). Have a good weekend. Jx

  4. Joan: Huh!!!!! :-)
    Annabeth: No, no pud, we're not big pud eaters, but there was rather a lot and I am feeling decidedly uncomfortable this morning (Sat). Serves me right!
    Sonja: It was good, wasn't it?
    J x
