Thursday, 13 February 2025


 Good morning. one and all.  How are you this morning?  I hope life is good for you.

Yesterday was another damp and dismal day but with less wind so it didn't feel quite so miserable as Monday.
The decorators arrived and set to work while I headed out to circuits which was really good fun.  Once home, I gave my bedroom a good sort out and clean and it is now a tranquil sleeping space again.  The only things that shouldn't be there are the laundry basket which usually sits on the landing and the vacuum cleaner because I don't want it stuck behind a taped up door.
The decorators started on the walls and I held my breath a bit in case I didn't like the colour once it was on the wall but I needn't have worried - it might not be everyone's cuppa tea but I really like it.  It is brighter and it's cheerful and warm.  Perfect.

In the afternoon, I headed back to Lindsey's for personal training which was, as always, lovely.  We had an interesting chat too.  More below.

When I got home, they had gone and, as they promised, the two big cupboards and my computer desk were back against the (finished) wall so I was able to set to and get all the clutter on the sofa and other things that will go back in or on the sideboards.  It is far from tidy, of course, but I was able to get out the ironing board and get my little pile of clothes nicely ironed.  I also pressed the finished blanket but there's not enough carpet space to lay it out and take a photo so next week . . .

This year's Shimmy Fitness and Fun weekend (next month) is the last one Lindsey will be running for a variety of good reasons.  Very sad but it won't stop me going to Potters for short breaks now and again.
So, instead, next year she is organising a small group holiday to Spain (around the Almeria area) and muggins here has said she wants to be a part of the party.  A week in a repurposed old water mill owned and run by someone Lindsey knows.  It sounds really nice and I am glad I have committed.  Another thing to save for but, if I don't save enough, I will have no qualms about withdrawing from my Premium Bonds.  I'm going to enjoy it all.

So, what with two classes, getting some of the 'mess' away and another holiday, yesterday was a really exciting day.

Today is also pretty good.  SET at Lindsey's studio instead of online (no space at home), back for coffee with Chris and in the afternoon I am out for an afternoon tea.
In between those jollies, I have some washing to do and the kitchen could do with a tidy and wipe around.

Wishing you as nice a day as I am hoping for.  All the best and stay warm and well.  xx

Wednesday, 12 February 2025


Morning, lovely people.  Thank you for your comments and for being so understanding while I whinge and rant about the very minor upheavals in my pampered life <grin>.  Everything is going smoothly, the work is being done well and it is possible that by the end of today, the older part will be done enough for the big cupboards to be pushed back into place (probably without the doors but that's not an issue) and then I can get the much reduced and decluttered contents away on the shelves and more or less clear the extension area of all the mess.  That will be so very nice.

Chris and I walked down to the hall for Groove, did the class and walked back again.  It was starting to drizzle on the way back and it felt jolly cold but the class was great fun.

I had washing drying on a small rack and I did some more decluttering.  Even the bedroom got a bit of a once-over.  All very satisfying.

Today is dominated by two fitness classes.  This morning is circuits in place of the class I missed Monday and this afternoon is personal training.  I should sleep well this evening, for sure.
I might get some ironing done, if I can make the floor space, and there's a bit more washing too.  At least I am not fussing about dusting and sweeping.  All that can wait!

Did you have a good day?
Stay warm and dry, everyone.  xx

Tuesday, 11 February 2025


Morning, all.  Well, here am I sitting amidst piles of clutter and mess but less than it was yesterday while the wheelie bin is a gainer (thank goodness it is black bin collecting on Thursday).
It could be a lot worse.  It doesn't look like it but there is order amongst the chaos, the space behind the desk and big cupboards is now dust free and, before they arrive, I am going to just give it a bit of a sweep too.

So - yesterday.  I didn't go to circuits but, after a quick chat to Ray, it is fine for me to go to all my other classes.  There shouldn't be any problems but, if there are, I am only fifteen minutes away at most.   The rest of the day was spent decluttering, etc, and in the evening I was part of a lovely Slim Win chat online.

Today is Groove and, fingers crossed, the walk there and back.  There isn't anything else in the diary today but I do have some washing that needs doing and I even have the usual space by the radiator for the drying rack so it doesn't have to go in my bedroom.  Also, my bedroom could do with a tidy - things have walked into it while I wasn't looking. 

So that is today.  Hopefully, they will make good progress with painting.  Yesterday, quite a lot of time was spent on the prepping, masking tape well to the fore - you know the kind of thing that takes way longer than you would think.  As for me - I will keep well out of their way.  

Have a lovely, quiet, organised day, everyone!  xx

Monday, 10 February 2025


Oh, my gosh!!!  My nice, almost tidy living space.  My brain is aaaarrrrgggghhhh.

I had to empty these two big cupboards after all.  They are more 'rickety' than Ray thought.  However, it is now super dust free right along that right hand wall - and it really wasn't!
They're doing the old part first plus landing, stairs and hall.

Then I can move stuff back into the cupboards and the extension section will be easier because the sideboards will just slide away.

That chair is my space.  For now, anyway.  A direct line to the telly and with the heated throw and the crochet blanket.

What more could a girl want.

Joking apart, those two big cupboards haven't been sorted out since just after I retired and it is the ideal opportunity to really deal with what I haven't used since.  So no complains - well, not many anyway.

 It'll be nice when it is done.


Good morning, everyone, and welcome to a new week.  The weather isn't great after a dismal day yesterday but I have no plans to go out all that much.  It's dry at the moment but steady rain is forecast for the whole day and into the evening.  A bit chilly too, just a few degrees above zero.  So not having to go out is a bit of a blessing, really.  xx

It was lovely to see Alex yesterday - he does enjoy my meals and scoffed down two portions of roast lamb dinner - where he puts it, I have no idea!

Going back a few hours, I did all the prep, got to B&Q and came back with paint (still in the car as it's very heavy), picked Alex up, took him home, did some ironing and cleared stuff ready for when Ray arrives tomorrow morning.  
I didn't finish the blanket but am steadily double crocheting round and round and round.  A bit mindless but keeps my hands busy.

Today, I won't be going to circuits and I really have no idea how the day will go, it depends on Ray, but I suspect decluttering opportunities upstairs, out of the way, will be many but I'll let you know.

Have a more exciting day than I expect to have.  Stay warm.  xx

Sunday, 9 February 2025


Morning, all.  Happy Sunday.  It's a chilly and wet start to the day, that's for sure.  I'm glad the walk was yesterday.

We were lucky.  David cut the walk a bit short because of the weather forecast and, just as we arrived back at the car park and got into our cars, down came the rain.  Brilliant timing - well done Met Office and David!

I stayed in for the rest of the day as it was so very dismal.  I can't really remember what I did which means not much, doesn't it?  I do remember getting on with the crochet and, while I am not happy with the way it all joined (I think sewing would have been better with hindsight) I'm absolutely not going to undo it all and start again.  The edging is looking a bit 'bumpy, because the sides were not completely lever but after a few more rounds, it won't really show - if it does, tough!!  It's a blanket, not a work of fine art.   😁

After answering Sharon's comment yesterday, I looked it up and it appears that basically they speak Greek in Crete but also have a Cretan dialect that is widely used.  However, being a tourist destination, most also have some English/American so the chances of not being able to communicate are rare, especially in that sort of holiday.
All the same, apart from anything else, it's only courteous and friendly to know some useful words and phrases.  Things like 'thank you', 'please', 'large white wine, please' and 'where's the nearest loo - I'm desperate'!!

OK, so maybe not that last one . . .

Today feels busy at the moment but it isn't really.  I have Alex over for lunch and the slow roast lamb is slow roasting so that's no problem.  I just need to prep the veg and that's all done and dusted until much later.
I need to go to B&Q and get the paint because Ray is starting the redecorating tomorrow and that will be a bit of an upheaval but worth it when it is done.
Because the weather is so wet, I'm going to collect Alex (and take him back afterwards) and I can drop the last lot of washing off at the same time so that's good.
Once that's done, I can chill.

Wishing you a chilled Sunday too, packed with lovely, cosy, homy things and no fuss.
Take care, all the best and stay warm.  xx

Saturday, 8 February 2025


 Good morning, everyone.  How are things this morning?  Yesterday was a very bleak, chilly, dismal day round here.  I ended up turning up the heating a bit which helped a lot.

Slimming World taster session was good fun although not many people realised it was a taster, I think.  I wouldn't have known if I hadn't seen a Facebook message from Heidi.  It was also the Biggest Loser award which went to  Sheila, a lovely lady who reached her target last year and is a stalwart (odd word but you know what I mean) of the group.

I made my loaf and have just sliced it and popped it in the freezer.  That should see me through till the end of the month as I don't eat all that much bread.  I love it, it loves me, but too much isn't balanced, I think.

The repairer chap turned up at Beth and Alex's and now they have fully functioning washing facilities again.  Yee hah!!  Must be a great relief to them.  I have no idea what the problem was but I don't need to know.  
I have one more load of washing to take back but Alex is coming over for lunch tomorrow so I will probably drop it off then - it's predicted to rain so I will pick him up as he doesn't drive.

Getting there with this although the joining has definitely been the most difficult thin - I thought it would be easy.  The stitches match but not if you match the middle bits and I can't work out why.  Oh, well, I'm muddling on through and it really won't show to anyone but an expert. I think part of the problem is that the corners are not always right angles so they join a bit differently and there are no specific joining instructions apart from where tiles go in the pattern.  Definitely a weakness in an otherwise very clear pattern. 
I have one more octagon to join now and then the triangles around the edge to square it up before I do the edging and steam it.  
Wish I knew what I will do with it!  I wonder if it will look nice out in the garden room . . . that's a thought.  Could I make some cushion covers to match?  Maybe; I do have plenty of yarn left.  I'll ponder that one.

This morning it's the first SW Friends walk of the year although the forecast isn't encouraging   .  David, who organises it, says he has an idea if the weather doesn't play ball so - well, we will see . . .

After that, I need to tidy up a bit and sort out a few things for tomorrow before settling down with a video and the crochet.  I'd love to get it finished this weekend, if possible.

Well, I am having a leisurely start to Saturday but I ought to get going now.  Have a great day, everyone, and stay warm and dry.  xx