Thursday 30 November 2023
Thursday, 30-11-23
Wednesday 29 November 2023
Wednesday, 29-11-23
So I am . . .
Tuesday 28 November 2023
Tuesday, 28-11-23
Morning, everyone!
Yesterday was a bit of a dampener - the mild aches, tiredness, etc, of the last several days landed in the form of a coldy sort of virus thingy. You know the kind of thing. So yesterday was a rest and sleep day and today looks like being the same. Diane isn't coming over - I have no wish to share it and she has no wish to catch it! - and I won't be going to Groove either.
The best laid plans . . .
The GR is coming along. No bricklaying yesterday as it was pouring with rain but I think the wall and ceiling painting is pretty much done and the floor is down in the room part, but not in the shed. The radiator is on the wall although not yet connected up.
Getting there.
I'm off to snuggle in my recliner with a book and, most likely, fall asleep!
Have a great day, everyone. xx
Monday 27 November 2023
Monday, 27-11-13
Good morning, everyone. Well, the fine spell seems to have thoroughly broken overnight. It's warmer this morning and it's also pouring with rain, a situation BBC seems to think will continue all day.
I guess that puts the clappers on getting the walls finished off today but there's plenty of other stuff to do, inside the room rather than out in the garden. So maybe finish the painting, put in the flooring and skirting, etc, get lights and sockets in and working, get the radiator on the wall and get the storage in, move the freezer back out . . . no, they won't do all that today, of course, but maybe by the end of Wednesday? I can hope.
I forgot to mention yesterday, on Saturday the new newsletter from the Broomfield Coach group landed and I've booked up for a couple more day trips next year. The first is to Battersea Power Station (including the lift) in the morning and a tour of the Royal Albert Hall and a buffet tea there in the afternoon.
The other is to Buckingham Palace. I had a trip booked with another group a few years ago - lockdown happened and it was cancelled.
I'm very much looking forward to both, having had them at the back of my mind for a while now.
There was also a trip to Bath but that's a bit further and more of a self-organised time when we're there. Maybe for the future . . .
I also forgot to mention that when I checked my bank account, my winter payment had landed. Excellent!
Yesterday was a bit of a chill out kind of day. I finished off a bit of ironing and tackled one of the mess corners, the one in yesterday's photo. I now have that little Christmas tree decorated in silver and white and ready to go out and I've sort of sorted out a couple of the boxes, digging out the Christmas cards and gift tags and wrapping the few gifts I already have and putting them under the big tree.
Today, apart from small group circuits, I'm not sure what's on the list although the washing basket looks a bit full and I do need to change the bedding at some point. Given that I'm drying my clothes inside at the moment (because of the dust), it matters not one little bit that it is pouring with rain.
I would also like to dig out a few recipes for things to give as Christmas gifts.
So not a particularly busy day but I'm sure I will find enough to fill the time available.
Stay dry, everyone, if you have rain, and take care. xx
Sunday 26 November 2023
Sunday, 26-11-23: longish post alert
I got this wooden set when Beth and Dave were little so it is around forty years old, bought from a West Country craftsman after I saw it in a brochure round a friend's house. Well before the internet, of course. The angel on the right is not part of that set, neither are the wooden trees.
I really deserve to have a hangover this morning but have managed to escape and I'm straight back on Slimming World guidelines again now.
Note to self: must get his Christmas Card ready.
Saturday 25 November 2023
Saturday, 25-11-23: Christmas Tree Day
Have a lovely day, everyone. Stay warm. xx
Friday 24 November 2023
Friday, 24-11-23
The right bricks arrived mid afternoon and the wrong ones taken back but it was too late to start and anyway the bricklayer had gone elsewhere by then.
However, the lads got everything ready and then swept and tidied so, to be honest, the ground is cleaner than it was before and it is all go for today (I hope)!!
Then it is home for a very quick wash and brush up before Chris and I go for a lunch together. Usually, it is just coffee and chat but we celebrate birthdays and Christmas with a lunch out and this time we're off to Longacres Garden Centre to look round the decorations and enjoy something like a toastie or jacket potato. Chris says they have a few festive choices now as well as the usual menu. Nice.
Thursday 23 November 2023
Thursday, 23-11-23 - rambly post alert!
I love the 23rd of each month. That's the day my Teachers Pension lands in my account. Obviously, it is not to be touched until the next month but it always gives me a feeling of security that if I did go over at the end of the month (which I don't but if . . .), I wouldn't go into a deficit.
And talking of pensions, I see the state pension will be going up in April. Not a surprise but it's nice to know. My Teachers Pension is index linked so I wonder how much that will increase by.
All reassuring and comforting in difficult times.
However, my savings are much depleted and next year is the year I start to build them up again because at some point my car will need replacing and there's always something in the house that needs doing, isn't there?
Apart from that and stuff for Saturday, there really wasn't much to look at in either shop. I won't be making either shop a more regular thing.
Apparently, the cupboard units are due to arrive tomorrow. If they do and if they get them in, I can perhaps start moving stuff out over the weekend. Three cheers. I'll check on that though.
Wednesday 22 November 2023
Wednesday, 22-11-23
Today started off with a very pink sky but things do seem to be clearing a bit. I live in hopes.
Tuesday 21 November 2023
Tuesday, 21-11-23
I also got some new knickers (sorry, but I did) and looked around at the clothes, etc. I was looking for gifts for when we have our Girls' Chat online (J is still isolating, L is recovering from a hip op and it will be too cold to meet outside) but I think I have decided to go for home made again - fudge and shortbread, maybe? Perhaps a mug to put the biscuits in? I'll think about that.
Finally, I visited the Food Warehouse (aka Iceland) and bought some mini vegetarian spring rolls because Beth absolutely loves them so I want some for Saturday.
I have washing, ironing, etc too so there's plenty to keep me occupied.
Monday 20 November 2023
Monday, 20-11-23
There was not a sniff of suitcases but I got a couple of gifts, a few grocery items, a very cute little angel decoration (no, I didn't NEED it) and when I looked around the flat pack area, new since the last time, I found a simple shoe rack (for the hall) and a five shelf corner unit for the garden room - cheap and cheerful (and reduced)!
And no, they didn't have any roasted peppers either. Nor did Farm Foods next door. Looks like there's a genuine shortage around here.
To add insult to injury, when I watched a YouTube cooking haul vlog later, what did she flaunt? Yup! Huh!!!
I might do sorting and I will do at least one load of washing because I'm going to get it in early. Apart from that (and the usual stuff), that's my day. Circuits will be great fun, I think, and I'm always up for a wander around a shop for a short while. If I feel like a bit of kitchen creativity, there's always mince pies to make. :-)
Sunday 19 November 2023
Sunday, 19-11-23
Good morning, everyone, and happy Sunday greetings to you. How are things?
This may sounds daft but I'm starting by wishing Happy Birthday to my Dad. He would have been ninety five today. I still miss him (and Mum) terribly - that won't stop - but once Mum passed away he was very unhappy most of the time and I'm glad he didn't have to be so sad for all that long.
Love you, Dad.
Moving on - the plasterer turned up as promised, finished plastering throughout in between drinking numerous mugs of coffee, cleared up and left mid afternoon.
Meanwhile, I did the SET online class and then settled to some most enjoyable kitchen stuff.
I baked a couple of small loaves of bread which I have just sliced and popped into the freezer.
I made a couple of portions of tomato, roasted red pepper and lentil soup, one for this evening and one for the freezer. I threw in the very last remaining garden tomatoes that have been patiently ripening by the window so that really is it for the year now. I have some passata and peeled tomatoes in the freezer and that's all. It's been a good year for tomatoes, I think.
In the afternoon, I used Thermione linked to Cookidoo to make some rich shortcrust pastry which I then used to make some mince pies using some black forest mincemeat from last year (bought, not home made). After taste testing two (just in case the first one was a quirk, you understand), the rest are now in the freezer and I think I will make one more batch another time to finish off the jar of mincemeat.
I put a battery in the clock I bought and used one of those new no-damage stick-on hooks to get it up as it's really very, very lightweight (and cheap!!)
In a way, it's a try out. I was so unsure about size, etc, or even whether I would really like it as much as I thought I would so, when I saw this one which wasn't all that much really, I bought it.
I rather like the effect although I think when I get a better one at some point in the future, I think I will get one slightly bigger. It doesn't help that the sideboard is somewhat cluttered at the moment - I must get that sorted out.
Strictly at Blackpool was pretty good although I though tens were scattered around like confetti and, maybe to contrast, Craig was even more nit-picky than usual. To me, it's fairly clear who ought to be in the dance off and also who ought to go this week. No spoilers here; it makes me sad but fair is fair and I suspect they won't get the 'fan vote' as much as the other couple. It's decided now, of course, but I never go looking for spoilers.
Today I want to pop out to B&M, pretty much the last molto cheapo big store I haven't looked through yet this season. Suitcases are on the list, of course, as well as starting to look for Christmas presents for friends. Also on the list is roasted red peppers which sounds a bit random, I know, but I always have a jar in use and haven't been able to get any for love or money over recent weeks which is quite frustrating.
Once home, there's washing to start and then I have a list of 'sort outs', just small tasks that never seem to get done. I also want to dig out one of Lindsey's workouts - I always feel invigorated afterwards and it warms me up so nicely.
So it will be an easy, satisfying, gentle, pottering sort of day. Nice.
How about you? What's on your list today? xx
Saturday 18 November 2023
Saturday, 18-11-23
I might take a trip to Tescos at some point (thank you, Ruth) to see what/if they have. Also to look at their clothes and Christmas stuff which is always fun, even when you don't buy anything.
I got some groceries too which saves me needing to shop next week.
I have some washing to do (which might mean ironing this evening) and some meal planning for the week ahead.
Friday 17 November 2023
Friday, 17-11-23
Good morning, everyone. Friday already and time is flying! Yesterday was supposed to be wet and nasty but, while it wasn't lovely, it remained dry which made it nicer for the lads. Today is predicted to be lovely and sunny - I'll take that with thankfulness.
After a failed online class (connection wasn't great), I headed over to Chris for a good old natter and laugh. It was nice to get away from all the noise and disturbance - I know it was unavoidable, but . . .
I feel for my neighbours, I really do.
Thankfully, by later in the afternoon, the connection sorted itself out and the Teams meeting was undisturbed. I kept quiet, listened and learned - appropriate for a newbie.
I was getting a bit stressed about the cost of it all yesterday - not just the garden room but the holiday and the extra expenses connected with that . . . Daft really, given that I worked it all out very carefully and the money is there.
Then I remembered that this month is double pension month and winter fuel/cost of living payment month (or maybe December, but it's coming) and the wibbles went away again.
Come January, I plan a couple of minimum spend months to get everything back into balance again.
More spending - Lindsey very kindly got her suitcases down but they weren't really suitable for me to borrow so I will be looking further afield. Maybe I will go to Dunelm today which is on the Clock Tower precinct where M&S and one of the three Aldi shops are (yes, three, no idea why), take a look in there and also do my food shop. There's not much to get but I want to get a few M&S nibbles for Christmas Tree Day next weekend (not tomorrow).
Dunelm usually has fun Christmas things in which I'll enjoy looking at (but not buying!).
So, today is off to Slimming World, home for breakfast, off to the Clock Tower . . . I do hope Seth doesn't need me to make any decisions!
Talking of Seth . . .
. . . he's the one on the left.OK, better go. I need to be dressed and ready when they arrive, after all. Have a great Friday, everyone. xx
Thursday 16 November 2023
Thursday, 16-11-23
Wednesday 15 November 2023
Wednesday, 15-11-23
And after your helpful comments on Yaktraks, I went and ordered some. They look 'safer' somehow, than the spiky ones (which also arrived yesterday). I'll compare and return the ones I don't want.
Tuesday 14 November 2023
Tuesday, 14-11-23
Morning, everyone. Sorry this is a bit late - I woke with a migraine threatening so I've been resting up a bit. It's going slowly although all the drilling and sawing in the garden isn't helping.
I did a bit more cruise shopping yesterday - after some research, I bought some ice grips for my boots; they will arrive today so fingers crossed they fit. I did read up about it before ordering as there seem to be different kinds. The ones I've ordered are not for glaciers, mountains, etc, but for icy/snowy ground. They still look vicious though! I think I am going to need to practise walking with them on - not in the house though! They will be useful, should we get icy weather here - it can be hard walking up the slight incline of the cul de sac when snow freezes and our road is rarely gritted.
I also chose a nice, warm hat with a bit that you can cover your mouth with, if needed - a sort of adaptable balaclava. My hearing aids might not like it but tough!
I'm getting close to having everything now, I think. Must go through my list again.
Also, I drove to B&Q and bought a couple of samples of handles. I've asked Seth if they can fix the top door and the bottom door of each unit so that they both open together so I will only need one handle per unit.
They're working on the roof today and Seth says the bifold doors will be coming in the next few days. We're getting there.
I didn't go to Groove this morning and, when I've sent this, I'm going back to my recliner to relax again - things should be much better by lunch time.
Have a great day, everyone. xx
Monday 13 November 2023
Monday, 13-11-23
Good morning, everyone. It's stupid o'clock, sadly, but I have realised I forgot to have my night time berry drink yesterday evening so maybe it's helping more than I thought. I have a fairly full day so perhaps that will keep me going until the evening.
Yesterday ended up quite busy.
I took my list to Sainsbury's, arriving more or less as they opened, which meant it wasn't too crowded and had a really nice leisurely stroll around, picking things up that were on my list.
And then I saw these and they just jumped into my arms to try on. Maybe it's daft trying pjs on but I'm still learning to accept the size I now am - when you've been plus/double plus sizing most of your adult life, it takes a long time to change that mindset, I think. Anyway, size 10 fitted and I actually have them on as I type. They are cosy and comfortable and I love them. And they were on my list so my conscience is clear!
So that's all the filling used and all the pastry. Excellent.
We have had these every Christmas since Beth was about ten (she's now forty five). She decided she wanted to turn vegetarian and you have to respect decisions like that, don't you, whatever the age. So I let Mum know because we always went there for a few days around Christmas and she, bless her, did loads of research and came up with two things that have become family classics. One was a beany crumble for Beth's Christmas lunch and the other was these not-sausage rolls.
Both proved so delicious and so popular that us omnivores were queueing up to have them too and, since then, every family Christmas has seen a plateful of these little parcels of deliciousness on the buffet table - and they always go long before the meat ones (also home made and very nice).
(The beany crumble is also a regular, not just for Christmas either, although for Christmas I add crumbled chestnuts to the topping)
I also did two loads of washing which have dried on the rack and now need ironing. Hopefully, that will keep me awake this afternoon!
I wasn't surprised at the result in Strictly and I have a feeling that the other pair in the dance off will be facing the chop at Blackpool, much as I don't want them to. Fair's fair though.
On to today. First of all, I'm off to B&Q to seek out some handles for the cupboards in the garden room. I didn't quite go for the ones on offer - or maybe it is just that I couldn't really picture them. Anyway, fingers crossed. I need fourteen of them.
(and I might pop into Longacres to look at their festive displays while I'm there - may as well.)
Then it's home for breakfast and off to small group circuits followed by general housework and that ironing in the afternoon, in between making coffee for the lads.
And doing my best to stay awake. 😌
Have a lovely day, everyone, and be happy! xx
Sunday 12 November 2023
Sunday, 12-11-23
Good morning, everyone. Welcome to Sunday morning. It's still dark so no hints about the weather to come yet but yesterday was another truly beautiful day. Cold, mind you, but inside, with the sun shining through the windows, was cosy.
Yesterday was gentle but nice.
Lindsey's live online SET class was a great start to the day. The connection dropped at one point but I got straight back in so didn't miss much at all. SHe should call them Winter Warmers - they really warm the blood and get the circulation going and I ought to access them daily (she has recordings on Facebook)
The newsletter from the Broomfield coach trip organisers came through (it is monthly plus top ups if needed) and I now have a day trip to Canterbury booked for next june or July, I forget which. It's somewhere I've always wanted to go but never have, packed with history, a Cathedral and so on. Plenty of time to do some homework, book things if necessary, etc. You always get more from a visit with a bit of planning, don't you?
During the afternoon, I went into the kitchen to make some quick puff pastry in Thermione. I used to subscribe to the Delia school of 'life is too short to make your own puff pastry' but it really is easy with a thermomix (or any decent food processor, in fact).
It takes time, like bread, but you're not at it all the time, it's the resting times, and it does make a really nice pastry.
I now have a block of it sitting wrapped in the fridge, I have just taken out the filling for Delia's not-sausage rolls and later on I will put the two together. I won't need all the pastry so the rest will freeze in small amounts - you don't need a lot to top a pie for one, do you?
This next made me very, very happy - I was trawling through the blogs I follow and comment on and when I read Sooze's, I was so pleased and so glad for her. After waiting quite a while, she and 'him outside' have been offered a bungalow to move to. They're going to look at it quickly and my fingers are very firmly crossed that it will be just perfect - or as perfect as it needs to be because, after all, one always wants to put one's own stamp and vibe on a home. But isn't that brilliant?
Today, Sunday, has a few things on the list.
I am off to Sainsbury's at ten. That's because I'm running out of non-food items like dishwasher powder, washing up liquid, etc. I tend to get more than one this this sort of thing so it's not a weekly or even a monthly things but now and again . . .
There's also some foody bits and Sainsbury's has some of the food I want to get so . . .
I will make those not-sausage rolls except that they will be little pasty shaped thingies rather than cylindrical. And they will go back in the freezer - yes, refreezing the middle, but there's no animal products in it and I will be quick - and I've done it before. It's not dangerous as meat would be.
In the freezer I found some chopped strawberries (from Lathcoats) intended to make strawberry gin so I will get some gin this morning, add sugar and the strawberries and after several weeks of shaking and standing, Bob's your uncle - a strawberry gin liqueur!
In between times, I'm getting on with yarn stash reduction by making more granny squares. I can really see a difference not - some of the balls are tiny and will be gone soon. It keeps my hands busy and warm too and I feel less guilty about sitting 'doing nothing' if I'm working on something.
(I know that doesn't make sense but I know what I mean!)
Goodness, what a load of waffle. I will stop now and get ready for the day. Hope yours is as good as I'd like mine to be. xx
Saturday 11 November 2023
Saturday, 11-11-23
Morning, everyone. It's a chilly start to the weekend with a bit of a frost but that means clear skies and clear skies means sunshine so no complaints from me.
Slimming World was good and I am in my target range again so big smiles all round. I would like to lose a bit more to give me a buffer for the cruise, but I'm not stressing and just focusing on more or less healthy food most of the time.
Yesterday was the day things stopped working. No, that's not quite right - things needed replacing. Both the radio controlled clock and the TV control just needed new batteries so and were easily sorted. The third thing (they always come in threes, don't they) was that the halogen light over my recliner chair died. I do have replacements but they are in the garage and I couldn't face fighting through the clutter plus the lads' van was blocking the door anyway. So, as I needed to do a small Morrison's shop, I looked in there and, joy of joys, found some daylight bulbs, perfect for lighting up the chair I do my knitting, etc, in. It does look a bit different to all the others but it certainly makes a difference sitting under it so I'm very pleased.
Today starts with an online SET class and I want to continue sorting stuff out. At the moment it's more a case of deciding where stuff should go. I'm finding there's not really all that much to actually get rid of (which I'm quite pleased about), just stuff that needs using or using up (like candles, diffuser stuff and so on.
Apart from that and a bit of washing, I'm having an easy day and staying warm. xx
Friday 10 November 2023
Friday, 10-11-23
Yes, I popped into a few shops on the way back to the bus but I didn't succumb to everything. However, I did splash out on the Body Shop smallest Advent Calendar because it is very supportive of less fortunate societies around the world and also I like Body Shop products but hardly ever buy any so it feels like a real treat. It gives me something to talk about during Blogmas, to go with the traditional Christmas music.
Thursday 9 November 2023
Thursday, 09-11-23
Good morning, everyone
Thanks you or your such kind comments on my additional post yesterday - I hope Christine sees them too. Words are hardly ever enough, are they? Suze was such a lively, vibrant, kind and sociable lady with a real zest for life; it is hard to imagine that all energy and spirit gone. Thank you again. I won't reply there so I hope everyone sees this.
It seems quite pleasant this morning. The sun is trying to break through and the clouds are high. Hope it stays that way.
I had a wakeful time overnight, the first since starting that night time berry infusion but I finally get back to sleep and slept until about half past seven, unheard of for me.
The lads turned up yesterday and got soaked. I don't have any photos, partly because I left for personal training before they had finished and it was dark when I got home and partly because it wouldn't show much because they were working at the back..
I went into town again - when I put in my hearing aids, one felt a bit odd and when I looked the silicone bit that fits in the ear had torn. I looked on the Specsavers web site but there was no way of making an appointment for a repair, only for a hearing test, so - any excuse. Unfortunately, the audio-wotsit chap wan't in yesterday but should be contacting me to arrange a date.
I thought that while I was there, I may as well have another wander round so I headed off to John Lewis, taking in White Company and other nice shops.
Yes, I bought a few things.
I LOVE these. They will be perfect with my fake leather leggings and a sparkly top and they are comfortable too.
It didn't look anywhere near being ready to open but I suppose there's about four weeks to go and a lot can change in four weeks.
However, not I have started using the bus again, I might make the trip into town on a Friday when the fruit and veg stall is there and try it for my veg shopping. The only extra thing it will take is time and I'm not usually short of that nowadays. Do they take cards nowadays, I wonder, or is it still cash? Hmmmmm
Have a good day, everyone. xx
Wednesday 8 November 2023
Some very sad news.
Suze was a new friend. She started commenting on here and we both went to one of Sharon Blackman's folk art workshops after I posted info about it in here. We got on so very well and remained in touch, meeting up a few times. We had planned a craft day at mine this month and to go to Sharon's Christmas workshop.
I had a new friend for life but would never have thought it would be so short.
Wednesday, 08-11-23
No morn—no noon—
No dawn—
No sky—no earthly view—
No distance looking blue—
No road—no street—no "t'other side the way"—
No end to any Row—
No indications where the Crescents go—
No top to any steeple—
No recognitions of familiar people—
No courtesies for showing 'em—
No knowing 'em!
No traveling at all—no locomotion,
No inkling of the way—no notion—
"No go"—by land or ocean—
No mail—no post—
No news from any foreign coast—
No park—no ring—no afternoon gentility—
No company—no nobility—
No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease,
No comfortable feel in any member—
No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees,
No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds,
I remember so enjoying this at school - until the teacher set homework to regurgitate what she had told us. I'd have loved her to set us to writing our own version. But then that would have been a nightmare for others, I guess. Anyway . . . moving on . . . You will be glad to know I braved the bus (first time since lockdown! Why has it taken me so long?), got myself into town and had a good old meander around before getting the thermals I went in for from M&S. I also got a couple of other things I had on my list. A pair of 'winter' pjs - long sleeves and thicker fabric - and a watch. The only watch I have is a fitness thingy and I rather fancied getting something prettier for evening/going out. Now, if I'd been prepared to spend around the £300 mark, there were loads but no way, but I found one in Next which was pretty much what I had in mind. So I came home very satisfied. No garden room work yesterday. They missed a couple of really nice days. Oh, well . . . Fingers crossed for today. Not that happy about the delay though. Today, I have two things in the diary. I have personal training later on and a governors' meeting in the evening. I might pop out at some point to do something or I might stay in and be warm and cosy. We will see. What's it like your way? xx |
Tuesday 7 November 2023
Tuesday, 07-11-23
Morning, everyone! It's way too early to see what the weather is like but it's supposed to be OK with maybe just a little bit of rain later. Yesterday was lovely and sunny but I couldn;t line dry my washing because, at the moment, there's no hole in the ground for my rotary line. Shame.
It was a pretty gentle day yesterday. I got a message from Maxine to say the lads wouldn't be coming because of something 'their end' (no idea what) but they will be with me today. Hope so! I need a photo for tomorrow's blog!
Circuits was great - really good, as always. Lindsey is also having some work done, replacing her drive, so we didn't work outside. A shame because it was so lovely but not to worry.
I got the rest of the washing done plus the ironing so the baskets are empty. That won't last long, of course, but it is always a nice feeling.
When I opened the little wardrobe door to hang up my new cardigan, it was full of other cardigans so I had a sort out of them. Some have gone into the summer cupboard, some will be donated as I haven't work them for ages and I have no idea what possessed me to buy one - it's a horrible colour and I don't believe I have ever worn it.
I fixed Christmas Tree Day with Beth and Alex. It's going to be a week earlier than usual, partly because of time restraints and partly because I want to get my time's worth of my tree and I won't be around for the Twelve Days.
Christmas Tree Day is the day when Beth and Alex come round and we put up the Christmas Tree, have a buffet and a few drinks and watch a Christmas film or two. It started when Alex was a very little boy and has just continued since. While I was still working, it was on the weekend before Christmas, when I retired it changed to the first weekend in December but this year it's a week earlier as explained above.
And that was about it yesterday, apart from the daily houseworky stuff.
Today starts with Groove, then it's home for breakfast and then I might go into town on a thermals hunt. I might even take the bus for a change. I do know how to live an exciting life, don't I? 😏
Happy Tuesday to you - have a great day. xx
Monday 6 November 2023
Monday, 06-11-23
This is the scarf; it is so lovely and soft and I can see I will need to wash it very carefully to keep that softness - liquid soap and maybe hand wash if I don't have other knits to wash at the same time.
The cushions are from Mum and Dad's the one on the left was bought from somewhere but the other two Mum made over the years and there was no way I was letting them go so I brought them home.
I think a touch of wood and some toning colours will look nice in the garden room. What do you think?
Fingers crossed, Cherie, and thank you.
Note to self - remember to ask if they could drill the new hole soon . . .