Saturday, 25 January 2025


Morning, everyone, and I hope everyone is OK after yesterday's storm which, I gather, will still be impacting some areas through today and maybe into tomorrow.  
I texted John and he said there was some damage to a stone wall and, when he went out to secure a few pots, he couldn't keep to his feet so he went back inside again - and he's a six footer!  However, apart from that, all is well for him, thankfully.  I wish that it were same for everyone.

Round here it truly was just a gusty breeze.  Not a pot moved!  It was lovely and sunny too and I got two loads of washing line dried.  We have been so fortunate.  

We had a lovely surprise at Slimming World yesterday when Jen (our former consultant until she moved north) turned up to be weighed.  She was back down to attend a wedding.  It was absolutely lovely to see her again and she was warmly welcomed.

I had to rush to Morrisons again when I discovered that something I needed had run out, which was annoying but there you go.  I thought I had a spare and I didn't!   I intended to get four but there were only two on the shelf so I had to be content with that.  I also grabbed a few more food bank items while I was there and I think I have my 31 things now, one for each day of the month, so I can drop them off next Thursday.

The rest of the day was spend washing, drying, ironing, knitting, chilling.  Nothing too energetic and I managed to stay awake until bedtime, thank goodness.  I did a bit of weed scraping and tackled the coat hangers for my sorting - I swear these plastic hangers reproduce when I'm looking the other way!!!

There's nothing in the diary for today or tomorrow but I am getting excited for Monday because I'm off to London with the Broomfield Coach people to see Oliver at the Gielgud Theatre.  Quite apart from the fact that I love the musical anyway, I looked up the reviews and just wow!  I've never read such good reviews before.  I think we are in for an absolute stunner of an evening.

Time to wrap this up and start the day, I suppose.  It's clear and dry outside and the trees are just gently moving in the breeze.  Sunshine is forecast for all day so I guess it's a great day to get the bedding washed.  
Anyway, enough waffling.  Take care, stay warm and have a lovely day, everyone.  xx

Friday, 24 January 2025

24-01-25 and sorry . . .

. . . that this is so very late.   After a sleepy evening, I had a very bad night's sleep, finally nodding off after two thirty so, of course, I overslept seriously.  I had to dash around to get ready, letting Heidi know I would be late to Slimming World group, and now I am home again and just starting to relax.  I hate a rushed start to my day.

Phew - and breathe . . .

Usually, on Thursdays, Chris and I have a coffee and a good old natter but she couldn't make it yesterday so I did my weekly shop in Morrisons instead if today (in case the weather was awful today - which it isn't so far).  A bit spendy but I got a nice load of stuff for my foodbank bag plus there was some ground coffee cheaper so I stocked up.  Oh, and I got loads of fruit and veg which was nice as I was getting a bit low.

After breakfast, I drove round town to B&Q and found what I was looking for there.  Annoyingly, I caught my sleeve on a sharp edge of a display and tore it a bit.  Hopefully they will deal with that because it was a bit dangerous. 
I also had a look at some paint swatches and I think I have found the colour I want for my downstairs redecorating.

Then I walked over to Longacres and grabbed some thread that matched my coat so I could repair it - must do that today - and I looked at and bought three Cook's ready meals.  I've been eyeing them up for ages and there's a Cook's centre not far away so it was an opportunity to give them a try.  I'm trying out the liver, bacon and onions one this evening and we will see . . .

I couldn't be bothered to go on to Hobbycraft so went home after that.  There wasn't anything I needed there anyway.  

Thanks for the feedback after yesterday's post.  You pretty much said what I feel which is reassuring.   As next month's income is all here now, I worked out how much will be going out before the first of Feb plus some for needs and moved the remaining across into the building society!  I won't go into the red anyway because of next month's income and will do a final readjustment on the 31st.  
Despite what D and K said, I have quite enjoyed this Needs Only Month and have pretty much stuck to it.  It was most satisfying to move that chunk into savings too.
So I think I'm carrying it on into next month.  February and March are goodies anyway as there's no rates or water to pay.

Today I just had Slimming World in the diary and that's done and dusted.  I need to do my bit of weed scraping and ten sort-outs and I have a pile of washing to do.  I wish I had had time this morning to get a load in because, right now, it is a beautiful drying day - bright and breezy but, so far, nothing worse that a strong breeze.  I think maybe one reason I didn't sleep well was because I am concerned for my brother who lives in the Borders, right in the middle of the projected storm path.  I haven't had time to catch up yet but I hope he - and all of you in the same situation - are OK with little or no damage.

Time to pick up the reins for the day and get going.  Washing in first, I think, so maybe I can catch a bit of the drying weather.
I REALLY hope all is well with everyone, wherever you are.  Stay safe.  xx

Thursday, 23 January 2025


Hi, everyone!  Hope everyone's doing well.  It's a dull, still morning here but things are forecast to liven up considerable as the day progresses and into the night and I think, given the info available, I will spend some time clearing the decks a bit in the garden - getting things secured, etc.  Just in case.

Yesterday was interesting.

First of all, it was that review.  For the record, I'm not really financially savvy, not really, but I have a reasonable dollop of common sense (I think) and know when the responsible thing is to take professional advice.
Hence Dave and Kay's involvement and the whole investments thing.
So - all's good, things have done well this year which is satisfying.  Kay will be moving the dollop of money into my ISA for this year and then, in April, another dollop for the new year.  She explained why it would be good to get it done early and it went over my head but Dave got it and agreed and that is good enough for me!  The aim is to get everything into the ISA eventually (I think it will take another couple of years) and then it is all tax free - or is under current rules -  but you never know, do you?

Then I got the annual ticking off (joke) regarding spending a bit more!  Not because there's anything wrong but because I can and how about treating myself a bit more?
I'm smiling because both Beth and Dave say I should not have any aim of increasing my 'inheritance' to them but enjoy what I have (i.e. spend it).
My response is firstly that I already have a good old life as a homebody who loves the quieter and simpler thing after a very busy career.   
Secondly, I don't go short!  Far from it!  Coach trips, fitness classes (several each week), holidays at Center Parcs and Potters, cruises (well, one and one this year, fingers crossed), having the place redecorated. . .  not to mention yarn, patterns, projects . . . I could go on.
Thirdly, continuing to save rather than spend seems, to me, a responsibility and it is also a personal security thing, knowing that I can help family out, should it be needed, not to mention affording any possible future care or medical needs - I'm a single and don't have any plans to change that so I am responsible for me.  
And, lastly, I LIKE the thought that I have stuff to leave to the family when I pop off.  So there, Beth and Dave!!
What's your own take on this subject?

Moving on after that mini-rant . . .

Possibly motivated by the above, I drove across town to Lathcoats.  I've been meaning to pay them a visit for a little while as their scoop and bag frozen fruit is so very good.   They didn't have any raspberries but I got some blackberries, some blueberries and a nice sort of Caribbean mix of all sorts - grapes, melon, mango, pineapple, and so on.  They had a wide range of apples too so I stocked up as I do eat a lot of apples.  And they had some semolina which Morrisons doesn't seem to stock.  Yes, their stuff is a bit more expensive but it is such good quality.
And I managed to side step all the half price Christmas goodies - go, me!!

At Personal Training, Lindsey finished off with a bit of massage which felt very good.  I'm still this morning but nothing worse.
And that is all yesterday's excitements.

Today, the teacher's pension has landed so now I can work out the rest of the month and get the Needs Only savings shifted across a bit earlier than I usually do.  Another plus about avoiding random splashing the cash is that I know exactly where I am!  I might leave that until the weekend, I'll see.  
I'll be hearing soon how much things are going up by - water, rates, etc.  

Unusually, there's absolutely nothing in the diary today.  I can't do the usual meet up with Chris because she has family commitments so I think I might do the weekly food shop this morning, given that the weather is supposed to be pretty wild tomorrow.  And I do need to visit B&Q and get a nut and bolt to replace one on the egg chair that seems to have gone walkabout so, perhaps, just perhaps I will stop off at Longacres and Hobbycraft too, just for fun.

Anyway, that's the end of today's rambles.  Time to get on the the routine daily stuff.  Have a good one and, seriously, I hope that this nasty weather heading our way doesn't impact too much on things for you.
Take care and stay safe!  xx

Wednesday, 22 January 2025


Morning, all.  Wednesday already - oh, dear.  It feels cold too and we've had some rain overnight.  It is January so I suppose it is to be expected.  What is more worrying is the weather that is heading our way - hoping we will all be safe.

Yesterday went pretty well.  Chris and I walked down to Groove, did our best and wobbled back again.  Both of us have iffy backs but we were fine although I made sure I kept moving gently on and off through the day.

I did my ten minutes weed scraping - it's boring but surprising how much gets done.  Time was up but the cars (mine and next door's) were in the way anyway.  I could have moved mine but will wait until next door's car is not there and then tackle their bit.  The parking situation is a bit unusual - there are two parking slots in front of my house.  One is mine but the other is next door's and it says so in the house deeds.  That's fine and there are good reasons for it but I need to take responsibility for keeping it weed-free when I can because it detracts from the appearance of my house when it's weedy.  I don't HAVE to but I choose to.

In the afternoon, I started in on my bedroom.  I'm sure it wasn't all that long since I last tackled all the drawers but oh, dear.  Let's just say that I have probably fulfilled my decluttering ten a day for the rest of January and beyond.
I sorted, threw out, recycled, repaired three drawers that were coming apart and generally got quite a lot done.  It's not finished but I've started.

This morning is a bit different.  When Mum and Dad's estate was sorted, I invested a good chunk of it in long term savings, primarily to support any care needs I may have in the future but also for dire emergencies, etc.  Today, Kay is coming here to do a review of how it has all performed this year, I will sign for some to be moved into my ISA and so on.  Hopefully, I won't have too many decisions to make but Dave will be here to advise me anyway - he's got responsibility for finance in my LPA so I involve him in all this sport of stuff.

Then it is more bedroom tidying and weed scraping (I will move the car) before I pop out for Personal Training.

Quite a busy day but interesting too.  I should sleep well tonight!
Have a great day, everyone.  xx

Tuesday, 21 January 2025


Good morning, lovely readers/commenters.  Welcome to Tuesday. I've just been out to the freezer to get supplies in and it's sort of dry but there's a slight fog and it's c-c-cold.  OK, not cold like my friends in Canada and the US (you know who you are) but quite cold enough for me, thank you!  

I was so pleased yesterday.  I went to circuits and Lindsey had planned in quite a lot that was stretchy, back-helpful stuff and, by the end, it all felt a lot looser, as if creases were being ironed out.  On Wednesday, at Personal Training, she will give me some massage and that should also help considerably. 

Then I came home and decided not to be lazy but to do the downstairs as I usually do and I am glad I did.  It would have been too easy to sit down and let things tighten up again.

I was just doing my ten minutes weed scraping when Alex arrived and we had a nice roast dinner and a very good chat.  After dropping him back off home, I finished off the time.

Round the front, the weeds are very good at sneaking up between the paving slabs and, as they are small and in a herringbone style, there's loads of them.  I find the whole thing of scraping them out very boring, even though I have a useful gizmo that does it really well.
I decided that this week I will do just ten minutes each day and see how far that takes me so I set my watch and off I go.  Wish me luck.

This photo, by the way, is the tool and I have a longer handle so I can stand up and scrape.  It's vicious and does a great job although mine is a bit battered now and might need replacing at some point.
I also have a more conventional scraper, sort of hook shaped and with a short handle which is great for more stubborn roots in those cracks.

Her back also isn't quite right but we agree that we need to get moving again, so we will walk down and back too as it is not raining and that should help.
Then I have my friend, Julia, round for coffee and her s.i.l. is looking at my desktop so see if he can work out why it is so slow.  I've been using the laptop apart from a few things but fingers crossed it is a very simple matter.

That's all I have in the diary but there's the ten items decluttering and the ten minutes of scraping and I would like to attack my bedroom and do a good tidy and clear.  That will probably take ages. 

So, another very ordinary day planned and we will see how it all goes.  Have a good day too and enjoy what you do.  I think the quietest days are often the best - just lots of simple and satisfying things.  Nice.
Take care and, as always at the moment, stay safe and warm.  xx

Monday, 20 January 2025


 . .  and here we are pretty much two thirds of the way through January.  This month is just flying past for me.

I pretty much stuck to my simple plans yesterday.  I wrapped up warm and started sorting out the front.  It looks civilised now, although there's weeds emerging round the edges of the paving and you can see loads of bulbs coming up which is nice.  Some of the emerging leaves are pale from being under a mound of leaves but that will change soon enough.  
I meant to take a few photos but forgot and, anyway, it was so gloomy, they wouldn't come out all that well anyway!
The back was really sore afterwards and I was a bit concerned but it's OK now so fingers crossed for circuits.  I think I just need to keep moving and stretching now.
Then I came in, had lunch and did the ironing so that, also, is all done.

Earlier in the day, I gave the bathroom a good clean as I do every time I use the shower to wash my hair.  It's an in-the-bath one with a zig-zag screen so, inevitably, the floor gets a bit wet and it seems the best opportunity to clean around everything as it all gets mopped up.

I think I forgot to say, I was a bit spendy a few days ago as Ray asked for the deposit for the trip to Carols at the RAH and I decided I may as well pay the lot and get it done.  I won't have to shell out next November/December when I will inevitably be spending a bit more anyway.  
Apart from that, it's all going well and I think I am going to call these months 'Needs Only Months' because I don't think low or no spend describes it very well - not to me anyway.  

And by 'need', I do not mean 'I really NEED that in my life right now'!!!  

Today I am going to circuits and will adapt as necessary - I have already told Lindsey and she's really understanding. 
Then Alex is coming over for a roast dinner so I will be busy in the kitchen.  Depending on when he goes, I might do a proper downstairs clean or I might just do the bits that show - I need to do one or the other as I have a friend over for coffee tomorrow morning and the carpet is a disgrace!

And that is that for today.  Have a great Monday, one and all.  Stay safe and keep warm.  xx

Sunday, 19 January 2025


Good morning again, everyone.  Sorry I'm a bit late but I have given myself a nice, gentle ease into the day and it's been so nice.  It feels really cold outside although it is just a few degrees above zero; it's cloudy and, while it's dry, it feels slightly damp so that doesn't help.

What did I do yesterday - think, think.  Oh, yes, I did around an hour and a half in the back garden (and got cold!).  By the end, I'd done most of what absolutely needed doing but I have some stuff to move out so I can sweep up the leaves and, as my back was aching, I didn't.  Maybe later on in the week?

Not particularly wonderful but loads better than it was, believe me. 

I was a bit concerned as it was sore but it's somewhat better this morning so I think it'll be OK.

I also did a bit of washing and have the ironing to do today.  The other thing I want to do today is just tidy up my little front bit - there's bulbs coming up but the recent winds blew leaves all over them and I want to get that sorted.

I think that's enough for a Sunday, don't you?  😁

Have a lovely day, everyone, and stay warm.  xx