Monday 21 October 2024

Monday evening, 21-10-24

Evening, everyone.  Sorry this is a bit late but better late than never.  It was the group live chat this evening and it was really good but I've not long left it.

Thank you for all the kind messages.  I'm pretty much 100% again now; I think circuits did me the world of good.
I really should have done housework and ironing, etc but did I?  Not a chance.  I got on with my knitting (Christmas gifts) and my crochet instead.  
Do I feel guilty - not a chance.  I'm really so enjoying being able to do my own thing in my own time and I'm making the most of it.

I'm getting on nicely with the granny square tank top - I'm going to look very seventies in it, very retro, I fear, but extra layers are always a Good Thing as winter approaches - I am so glad I have the thermal stuff from last winter's cruise as I do feel the cold but layering up works wonders.

The next part of the crochet along project goes live tomorrow but I will have to desist until the afternoon.  First of all it is Groove and at 1:30, the lovely Sharon is coming to chop my locks (not that they need much more than a quick tidy up) and I really do need to sort out downstairs before she arrives.
But I still don't regret today's self indulgence, not at all.  :-)

Today was kind of spendy again - my printer is saying it is short of ink and I don't have any replacements so I fired off an order which should arrive tomorrow.  I want to print off some online patterns but that can wait until the inks arrive.  It's not as if I have nothing on the go already!!

How was your Monday?  Really good, I hope.  Take care, stay warm and sleep well.  xx

Sunday 20 October 2024

Sunday evening, 20-10-24

Hi, everyone.  Sunday evening and I have done very little all day, just chilling, knitting, crochet, watching telly and all that stuff.  I'm feeling loads better now and it's real feeling better because the painkillers will have worn off several hours ago.

I'm just hoping for a good night's sleep now because it wasn't the best last night.

Wishing you a good night's sleep too - take care and stay warm and snuggly.  xx

Saturday 19 October 2024

Saturday evening, 19-10-24

Evening, everyone.  Hope you have had a good day despite any wet weather (it's been on and off damp here).

First of all, a big thank you to the person who commented about no Premier Inn in Sudbury but recommended The Cabin.  I looked it up and it looks really great.  I expect I will be contacting the owners pretty soon.  I'm very grateful for the recommendation.  Sorry, it was an anonymous comment so I don't know your name.

The concert performance of Chess yesterday evening was really very good for a small local amateur music and drama group.  I had a most enjoyable time with some Slimming World friends and I hope this evening went as well for them.  I had no idea Mark had such a good voice and Sheridan was in the chorus - both are part of our SW group.

On to today.

I've finished the waffle stitch blanket.  Goodness, you can really tell the difference in the dye lot, can't you, but it really doesn't matter at all.  It is lovely and soft and cosy and I can't decide whether to spread it over my duvet or keep it downstairs as an evening snuggle thing.  I could, of course, do both, couldn't I?

I'm up to date with my Christmas gift crochet along project - the next part of the pattern will be live at nine o'clock Tuesday morning.  I think it will be the last of the rectangles and weeks five and six will be joining and doing the border - I could be wrong there though.
I'm working on a granny square tank top and last week saw a pattern for a cardigan based to two granny hexagons which looked really nice - and I have the yarn.
I'm not starting the Persian Tiles project until December but I have treated myself to some fair isle effect yarn to make a neck warmer thingy - I think it is called a 'snood' - is that right?  I might start that tomorrow - it's just rib top and bottom and stocking stitch between and I just need to work out how many stitches.  I'm sure there's a free pattern somewhere online that will indicate . . . 
So I am not short of projects to keep my hands busy and my brain occupied in these dark evenings.

I've made the smaller Christmas cake plus two diddy little individual ones.  Yes, the house smells amazing and I can't go to bed yet because it needs to cool completely before I feed and wrap it.  I'm giving it a little while longer but it was almost cool when I last checked..  Now I have to decide how I want to ice it.

And finally, I've had both my vaccines!  Yay!  One in each arm so they're both a bit achey but not enough to stop me working on my crochet.  I am feeling a bit shivery and not 100% but pain killers should sort that one out, hopefully.

What I haven't done though is any ironing and the second load of washing.  That can wait until tomorrow - it isn't the end of the world, is it?

Oh, I nearly forgot - I had a most unexpected letter from my car insurance company telling me they had overcharged me at some point in 2022 (I think) and that they would be refunding me - and the amount, plus compensatory interest, minus tax comes to nearly £156.  Blimey!  That almost makes up for losing the winter fuel payment, doesn't it?
(I'm still doing a No Spend November though)

Well, time to go and check the cake.  I really hope it is cold - I'm more than ready for bed.
Sleep well, everyone.  xx

Friday 18 October 2024

Friday evening (well, afternoon anyway), 18-10-24

Hi, everyone.  Here I am, back home, done one load of washing, done some shopping, made my second coffee, unpacked and half put away, surveyed the broad beans with satisfaction (not ready to pick yet but growing - see below) and started something exciting (I think it is exciting).

Yesterday was crash out day - you know what I mean, the one day in a holiday when you feel totally shattered.  It didn't help that I woke at half past three - yes, THREE - bright eyed, bushy tailed and unable to get back to sleep.  So annoying!

Come evening, I was so glad we were just staying in and having leftovers.  I couldn't even finish one of those 500ml bottles of fruit cider, something I really love.

I did manage to catch a bit of the Goose Patrol on my camera although I missed the start.  I think it has come out as a 'short'.

This morning was just gorgeous.  Really sunny and with that lovely misty effect as dew evaporates in the sunshine.  I didn't catch that but this is the view out the back of our lodge.  

We had to be out by ten and I was, bang on.  Beth and Alex had left earlier because Al wanted a last swim before they drove home.  I have to say, taking both cars made things much easier.

It was such a good drive home.  I think it would probably be quicker if I went A13, Newmarket, M11, etc, but5 I think the way I go is so much nicer and, anyway, there's no way I would voluntarily try to9 negotiate the roundabouts around Stansted.  It used to be so easy when Stansted was a little, local, friendly airport but not nowadays.

I go on the B1106 from Elveden to Bury St Edmunds, through the centre of Bury (very easy and past all the lovely, historical stuff), through Sudbury which may have some bottlenecks and heavy traffic but, oh, those buildings.  I wish I could have stopped and taken a few photos.
Here's a link to the Wiki page.   
In fact - as a side note, I might spend a weekend there at some point.  I bet there's a Premier Inn or something similar not too far away.
Anyway, through SUdbury, through Halstead, round Braintree and I'm almost home.
Easy peasy.

When I got home, I unpacked - as you do - made a strong coffee (didn't have one before the journey), put a load of washing in and grabbed my shopping list.

Now the washing is done, the shopping is away and I am writing this before going up for a bath and to get changed as I am out this evening to see a local concert performance of Chess with some of my SW friends.

Here they are - some of the Autumn broad beans.  They're growing quite slow as I expected they would but they are podding, filling out and looking so very healthy.  I reckon picking in November which is when the packet said.

I hadn't cleared the tomatoes in the bed, just those in pots, and I am so glad I hadn't because I came home to be greeted by more ready to pick.  So I have.

I wasn't going to make a Christmas cake this year but, when I came to it, this is not just a cake.

Ever since I took over making The Cake from Mum, I have made it on October 19th, tomorrow, Mum's birthday and I just couldn't NOT make one this year.

What I have done is weighed out half amounts and will make a smaller cake and, if there's any mix left over, I have some really small, individual sponge cake sized tins to make the kind of cake you get in an afternoon tea and I can make some mini cakes to ice and give as gifts.

So here's the mix.  I use the Delia recipe but I add cranberries, soak the fruit in cointreau and will add grated orange zest when I mix it all up tomorrow.

I am so glad I'm making one after all.  It's just a tradition that makes me happy and helps me to remember my lovely Mum.
Mum's Christmas Cake Day.  Tomorrow.

Right, better get this posted.  Tomorrow is cake day but I also have my covid and flu jabs.  Not so 3xciting and I have thye paracetamol ready - hopefully i8t won;'t be needed but better safe than sorry.

Hoping your day has been lovely.  Stay safe, everyone.  xx

A short one . . .

 . . . because is time to leave and we are packing and loading up!

I'll try to post something this afternoon but, if I can't, I'll be back to normal tomorrow evening.

Have a great couple of days.  xx

Thursday 17 October 2024

Thursday morning - The Last Full Day

Sad, isn't it?  

Morning, everyone.  It's a wet old start to Thursday and my internet connection is dire.  It keeps dropping and then coming back.  Most annoying.  One of the very few things Center Parcs does not do well!

Yesterday was great.  It started damp but the sun came out after a while and it was quite mild too.  We had a casual morning - Beth was quite weary so Al and I wandered around the village centre for a while, looking in the shops.  I found a few things for our Girls' Chat Santa which was good, and there's a decoration I want to go back and take a second look at.  No fridge magnets, as far as I could see.  Odd - they used to be drowning in them in past years.

In the afternoon, we had booked the electric boats.

There's all sorts of boats for hire - pedaloes, catamaran canoes, electric boats . . .

We love the electric boats because they just glide silently along and are pretty easy to steer too.  I filmed some video clips on my mobile and when back at the lodge, I found out how to upload them.  Yay, me!!

There's a longer one but I need to ask Beth and Alex for permission first so you might not see that one.  Here's a couple of shorter clips and when I get home I'll find out how to stitch them together.  I did know - I've forgotten!

After that was over, we headed straight to the pool and had a lovely swim.

Come the evening, we went to Huck's for dinner and made absolute pigs of ourselves.  It was delish!
(Photos on my foody blog, link down the side somewhere!!)

Today is the last full day.  We plan to take the morning easy - I will probably pack most of my stuff - and then, after a leftovers mark 1 meal, we're out for a swim and then ten pin bowling.
The evening is chilling back at the lodge with a fire and leftovers mark 2 for dinner, after which we really won't have much left.

And tomorrow it's all over.  Sad.

How has your week gone.  Really well, I hope.  Take care and have a great day.  xx

Wednesday 16 October 2024

Wednesday morning, 16-10-24, and a lodge tour. Photo heavy alert!

 Good morning.  As usual, I have been up since stupid o'clock and it's still dark and very quiet.  I do love my mornings.

I tried to video a tour of the lodge but it was total pants so it's photos!

Our designated parking place.  Because it is an adapted lodge, there's parking at the front rather than having to take the cars back to the car park and drive around for ages trying to find a slot that has something close by to help you remember where it is (it's an awfully big car park!).
I wasn't sure if I could park there and asked a nearby cleaning lady who said basically 'no idea but give it a go and see'
Yesterday morning there were 'please move your car' signs on both.  Obviously that wasn't right because it was designated parking and Beth should have been OK, it was my car we weren't sure about so we went to the office to check and, as always, they were super-helpful.  Yes, it was fine for us both.  After a long day, the staff have to go all round 'mopping up' cars that hadn't been returned to the car park, it was dark, they were tired, and they probably didn't see the sign saying it was a designated slot.  She took our lodge number and said she would sort it out - and she did.
It will be so good on the last day not to have to trundle off to collect the cars in order to pack.

The path to our lodge - it's the furthest away and on the right lodge.
In through the front door and directly left, there's the excellent wet room.  It's really spacious with a good shower.
Next to the wet room is a useful little space where Beth parks the Tiger.

The sitting room areas, one way . . .
. . . and the other.  Very comfy chairs.  I'm standing just in front of the fireplace to take this photo.

The kitchen area is more roomy than the usual kitchen at CP which is pretty much a galley.  It is a good size for a wheelchair and you can see a lower working surface if needed.

And - for the first time - there's empty cupboard space for one's food, etc.  It always bugs me how these self catering places don't have an empty cupboard for food - neither of the cottages in Southwold had space and I've not known CP lodges to either - until this one.
A small bathroom with a big bath that takes for ever to fill!
We don't bother.
And my bedroom.  It is the adapted one so very roomy.
My bed is the one you can see a bit of at the front.  The other is the all singing, all dancing bed that goes up, down, sits you up, lies you down - one wonders if it would make the morning coffee for you if you asked it to!!
It didn't seem 'right' to use that bed.

This is the back.  You can just see the patio that has table and chairs plus a bbq stand for those single-use barbies.

Walk down that little path and you get to . . .
. . . this.  On a dull day it looks a bit boring but when the sun shines I am sure it is beautiful.

We haven't seen as much of the muntjacs as last year but the water fowl come a-tapping on the window every morning - Canadian geese, pigeons, of course, snipe I think), the usual ducks . . .
Lots of squirrels too.
You're not supposed to feed them but, obviously, people do judging by their behaviour . . . 

We have decided that if we come back again (and I bet we will), it's worth the extra fee to request this lodge again.  Close to the centre, roomy, comfortable and no issues with Beth's wheelchair.  And that parking . . .

So this is our home for a few days.  Lucky us.

Have a great day, everyone.  xx

Tuesday 15 October 2024

Tuesday morning, 15-10-24

Morning, everyone.

I think that for the next four days, the blog will be posted in the mornings because the evenings will look like . . .

this . . .
and/or this.

It's different in the evening when there are others around and the mornings are going to be my quiet space time as both Beth and Alex are later risers and I am definitely not.

So . . . back to yesterday morning.

The living room looked a right tip with everything to put in the car scattered around.  I nearly took a photo but I remembered I'd packed the camera so you'll just have to imagine it.

I managed to get to circuits and I'm really glad I did because 
1.  it was N's last week because her job has changed and she can no longer come and
2.  it was really good.  Short, sharp bursts of activity, twenty seconds and move on.  Great because in just twenty seconds you can really go for it without starting to feel it too much.

The weather, sadly, was shocking.  Pouring with rain.  I decided I really did not want to get there early and have to wander in the rain so I left in time to get there by around two which is when we could get into the lodge.

A great drive up.  A few short hold ups because of road repairs but nothing worse, no heavy traffic, even through Bury St Edmunds, and I got there at about ten to two.  And the sun was shining.  Yay!
I joined the queue to get to the check in point and, lo and behold, two behind me in the queue was a car I recognised!  What are the chances of two cars on the same booking, travelling different routes, getting there absolutely together.  So Beth and Alex followed me from car park to lodge; I thought we'd need to go all round the village one way system to get to the lodge but the very helpful check in lady gave me directions to get straight there so I didn't get lost this time (I did last year).

Because of Beth and her tiger (wheelchair), we had an adapted lodge and we're very impressed.  I'm sure it isn't perfect but it works for us.  
I'll do a lodge tour tomorrow when I've taken some photos or, if you're very unlucky, a video, probably as botched as the one I tried to make yesterday.   

We had agreed to pack our swimming stuff ready to grab and go so as soon as we'd unpacked and sorted out the food bags, off we went to the pool.

It was, as always, absolutely lovely!

Apologies for the clunky bits in the photo below.  I edited out some faces that were recognisable and some of the background also disappeared.  For example, the bottom of one of the cabana posts wasn't really broken and the floating barrier was complete, honest!

After swimming, we came back and settled in for a cosy evening.

A really  quick video clip - and it should open, I hope.  Please let me know if it doesn't.  

It moved on to the photos at the top!!  A good evening.

One of the bedrooms is adapted and I had that one for no particular reason really.  One of the single beds was an adapted bed with all mod cons while the one I am using is just a bed.  Very comfortable it is too!  I have slept like a log after a combination of a circuits class, a swim and plenty of steps.  We won't mention the wine, OK?

And now it's a new day.  The skies look rather overcast but the ground is dry so we will just have to see . . .
Have a lovely day, everyone.  xx

Sunday 13 October 2024

Sunday evening, 13-10-24

Evening, all.  It feels right chilly as I type this but I'm tired and will be off to bed soon so no point turning up the heating really.  It does seem to be getting significantly chillier now, doesn't it?  It will be so nice to light the log burner in our lodge tomorrow evening.

Today has been busy but pretty much everything is now done and ready with just a few things to finish off tomorrow.  I popped round to Beth's this afternoon and now her cases are in my boot.  There's very little room in her car because of all the space the wheelchair and hoist takes up.
I've just checked the route (although I do know it by now, really) and my case, etc, is all downstairs by the front door.

I'll keep up these posts as much as ever I can but don't worry if one doesn't appear.  It will be because we're out and about.

Good night, everyone.  Have you had a pleasant weekend?  I do hope so.  Sleep well and keep nice and warm.  xx

Saturday 12 October 2024

Saturday evening, 12-10-24 - a lovely day

Good evening, everyone.

Today didn't have the best start ever, what with oversleeping and not having time to do my usual Facebook stuff and so on, but it wasn't a disaster, life went on, surprisingly!

The coach left nice and early and the journey there was great with no hold ups whatsoever.  I've never been to Alexandra Palace and was hugely impressed by the views over London.  This one came out quite well, despite the mistiness and lack of sun

The Show was great.  So well organised with plenty of places to sit, to get food, enough loos (impressive), and marshals who were friendly and helpful.

We got there early so it wasn't crowded at first but an hour later the place was heaving.  There was a great atmosphere, everyone was smiley and seemed happy and it was just lovely to be surrounded by fabric, yarn and all sorts of textile crafting.  Loads of people were wearing things they had  made themselves and some were seriously impressive.

The first thing as we walked in was a display of some stunningly fantastic quilts.  I took a few photos, of course.  

Once in the main hall, there was so much to see and do that I started by buying a guide and a coffee and deciding what to do/see as well as finally deciding on what I wanted to look for.
I was after another project, some good stitch markers (the ones I have keep falling off), some crochet hooks with comfortable handles, some little embroidery scissors and some ideas for Christmas presents.

This is the project I have chosen - the photo is from the relevant site because I didn't get a decent photo and it isn't what I had had in mind but when I saw it, I was just 'wow'.

It's called Persian Tiles Marrakesh crochet blanket and the kit includes the patterns and all the yarn needed.

It's actually  based on a granny square in part with fancy bits added.  There's two versions; the same stitches in both but one has a more complicated colourway that the other - guess which I'm doing.  😉 
I'm not going to start it yet because I'm in the middle of the Christmas one, but that lasts for six weeks, two of which have now passed, so I reckon this will be a December/January project.

I was sorely tempted by this one which was stunning in real life but it was more expensive.  I may end up getting it anyway but not yet, not this year.

This was a kit (no, I didn't) and I took photos all round because I think I can make it at home - granny squares are trending at the moment.

I bought various shades of purple and made two squares while watching Strictly!

There was a sort of catwalk affair with some demos etc.  This lady was showing some basic crochet skills plus a few techniques that might be useful.  I tried her version of a magic ring but I prefer my way.  However, she showed a neat way to decrease and also how to make loops that are fixed and won't pull out - I haven't tried that yet but must have a go while it is still in my mind.
She showcased a book of patterns.  If it had been cats, I'd have bought it but it wasn't, it was dogs
I picked up a few free patterns and bought one and I found most of what I was looking for.
They are very cute though.

Here's my final hoard (plus some little embroidery scissors which were still in my bag when I took the photo).  The purple yarns are in a neat box that is just perfect to keep things tidy and I will get great use from it.  The greens and gold are for Christmas things - I already have red so didn't get any.  There's the Persian Tiles kit in the middle with some new hooks, fabric clips and markers and I picked up a shedload of web addresses, etc, too.
I could have spent an awful lot more so I'm very happy with what I did get.  I think I've turned into my mother - I kept thinking 'But what will I actually DO with it?', just like she used to say to me.

The journey home was not quite as good but could have been loads worse.  The most annoying thing was that the junction off the M25 and onto the A12 was closed so the coach had to go a longer way round which added around another twenty minutes or so but not to worry, we were still back before six.

I am beginning to flake out now so I will love you and leave you and get myself up to bed pronto.  It's been a really lovely day and if Jan and Ray run another one next year, it'll be a case of 'behind me in the queue'.  I might also book a workshop in advance.  All the best ones were booked by the time we arrived.
Have any of you been to this show in past years?

Sleep well, everyone, and sweet dreams . . .  xx

Saturday morning. 12-10-24: a very quick one.

 Morning, everyone.  I really did intend posting last night but I was so very tired that I fell asleep in my chair, woke at around eight, went up to bed before nine, fell asleep and didn't wake until six thirty this morning.  Annoying because I'm out for the day but not to worry!  I'm ready now and have a bit of time to post this.

It's the knit and stitch show at the Alexandra Palace, somewhere I have never been so it's going to be great fun.  I have allocated myself some pocket money so goodness knows what I will come back with . . .  Yes, I have fold up bags in my backpack!  

Time to go.  Have a lovely day, everyone.  See you soon.  xx

Thursday 10 October 2024

Thursday evening, 10-10-24

 Good evening, everyone.

This is what the BBC said about the weather round here today when I checked this morning.

I think someone got this a teensy bit wrong, don't you?

Judging by comments all over Facebook, it was all over the country,m these hurricane force winds that magically missed Mid Essex - wasn't that lucky!!!

OK, so - today.

You know the feeling when you think you have loads of things to get done?  I felt like that today so did myself and Little List and worked through it and you know what?  It really wasn't that bad.

I did two loads of washing which is currently draped all over everywhere - I must fold them and sort them out before I stop for the evening.
I finished doing Jen's farewell gift for Slimming World tomorrow, wrote a nice little message from us all and got some flowers to give to her alongside another gift.
I did my personal card and little 'thank you' gift so that's all ready too.
I decided what I am going to make for the taster table at said group and got what I needed.
I had a lovely chat with Chris.
In town, I looked for bras, was disappointed by M&S (they had loads more online) so now I've got the new size sorted (see line below) I will order some.
I finished up in John Lewis where the girl was so helpful and I ended up knowing what my size is now and also paying what feels like an exorbitant amount for one bra (but it's a good one!) - the others I get will be cheaper.
I came home, put the bins away again, had lunch, folded any washing that had dried and then I could sit down so I did and got on with the Christmas project.

And that was my day.  Phew.
Good night, everyone.  Sleep well and sweet dreams.  xx

Thursday morning - 10-10-24

Morning, all.  Apologies for yesterday's non appearance.  I got a bit caught up with crochet through the day (does anyone else do that?) and was out at a governors' meeting in the evening.  When I got back, I just couldn't string thoughts together so didn't even try!!

I'm fine and I'll be back this evening.
Have a great day.  xx

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Tuesday evening, 08-10-24

Evening, everyone.

It's been quite a busy day.  Chris wasn't able to come to Groove - she had both vaccines yesterday and they were fighting back - so I went on my own and it was really good today.  It's always good but sometimes there's an extra sort of buzz.

When I got home, I got stuck into a couple of things I really should have done a while ago and, as it's Governors' meeting tomorrow evening, I was running out of time.
One was reading Keeping Children Safe in Education, mandatory reading for everyone at least once a year and we have to declare that we have done so.  
The other was the annual Safeguarding training.   Again, absolutely essential and ditto
Not the most exciting reading and not terribly happy reading either, but it's done and dusted now.  Phew.

That pretty much took the whole day but between times, when I had a coffee, I started the week one blocks of the Gift for Christmas blanket.  There are a few tricky bits and some fiddly bits and one bit I keep having to watch on the YouTube video as I keep getting muddled but, generally, it's not that hard.
Week two landed in YouTube today so I will watch that through at some point when I have a bit more time.
It's an ideal project to take away with me to Center Parcs next week, I think.

This made me happy.
Spot the baby bread bean . . .

Actually, once I started looking, there are several coming along, all very tiny but packed with potential.  Very exciting.

I've just looked at the clock - I didn't think it was that late.  Better post and shut down.
Have you had a good day?

Good night, one and all.  xx

Monday 7 October 2024

Monday evening, 07-10-24

 Evening, everyone!

Here's some info about the CAL I have decided to make.  

The link to Black Sheep Wools where I found the project - or, to be fair, a vlogger, Julie Buda, told me where to find it as she is doing it herself.  You can download the free pattern here - scroll down.

Here's the link to the YouTube channel.

And here's the link to the Black Sheep Make Alongs group on Facebook.

Borrowed from the site in the colourway I have chosen (Retro).
I was too late to the party to get the yarn pack.  A shame, because it was great value.

You can, of course, use yarn from your stash but I've been so successful at reducing my stash, I don't have enough of the right kind of colours.

You make six of each rectangle in different colours and each one showcases a different crochet stitch/style.  The first one - the one that is already out - is a granny square and an integral bow which looks very clever but is really simple, judging by the demo video.  I can't wait to get started and it will be nice to have a small project to take with me to Center Parcs.  The waffle stitch blanket is too big to take really and I am expecting to have finished it by the end of this week anyway.

This does NOT mean I won't be looking when I go to the Knit and Stitching thing at the Ally Pally next Saturday, obviously!! 
As we all know, two projects are better than one, any time of the year!  🤣

I missed circuits but all the parcels I was expecting were delivered so that's good.  Not so good was that I wasn't asked to sign for the one I should have been asked to sign for.  Oh, well, everything is here now and that is the most important thing.

And now I must get this posted as I will be called for an online chat shortly.  Wishing us all a really good evening.  xx

Sunday 6 October 2024

Sunday evening, 06-10-24

Evening, everyone.  The weather might not have been amazing today and it is raining right now, but it has been a good day, all the same.

I have found a Christmas project to crochet.  It is a 'crochet along' thing with demos for each section on YouTube and a free pattern that comes weekly for six weeks.  The first part is out but I need to get the yarn before I can start - hopefully that is coming tomorrow.   So that's nice.

Beth and Alex were round for lunch.  We talked all things holiday and Al and I sorted out what we want to get (together) for Beth's birthday.  It is nothing exciting, it's something Beth wants and we thought we could get her our own little something at Center Parcs as well.  I'm glad that's sorted.

I'm not sure if I can get to circuits tomorrow - I have some things arriving, one of which needs to be signed for so it all depends how early I get the time slot for delivery.  We will see.

I didn't get out in the garden - it just wasn't really nice enough.  Not to worry, it will still be there when the spirit moves.

And that was today.
Strictly Results starts in about five minutes - I think it will probably be Toyah.  I like her but she was the lowest scorer and her enthusiasm doesn't make up for lack of technique, etc.
I could be wrong.  I thought it would be her last week and it wasn't.  We'll know soon enough.

Right - time to send and shut down.  Good night, everyone.  Sleep tight and stay safe and warm.  xx

Saturday 5 October 2024

Saturday evening, 05-10-24

Good evening, everyone!  It's been another lovely, sunny Autumn day today.  I'm loving this short spell of fine weather and tomorrow looks quite promising, albeit not exactly warm.

I thought it was more than a bit ironic that just after I bought the lamb for the christmas dinner, I started getting emails from Kelly's regarding their wonderful Kelly Bronze turkeys which I have bought for years and years.  I always used to order it over the half term break and carried that habit on into retirement.
They do some delicious turkey sausages and rolled turkey breasts that cut into three or four smaller joints so I may very well invest in a few other bits and bobs - I will go on-site and see what they have and for how much.
(They're not cheap!)

Well, today has passed usefully enough.  I did the online SET class and felt much better for it.  I did the usual wiping down, cooking, etc.
Then I sorted out what I now think of as 'animal protein' in the freezer - meat, poultry and fish, wrote down what I had and, to my delight, managed to get it all into one bag.  Excellent!
The freezer does need a bit of a defrost but it's a bit too warm at present.  I scraped some frost off and that will have to do for now.

As I'd promised myself, I did a bit in the garden.  Not loads, just a bit at a time.  It's a small garden, it won't take long.

I sorted out the tomatoes in pots which were definitely over.  The fruits weren't ripening and the leaves were dying.  So four plants gone this side . . .
. . . and three gone this side with a pile of rather bedraggled green tomatoes inside on a tray.  I can hope and if not, maybe chutney.

I need to wash the pots and sweep where they were standing when all the mud has dried up.  Maybe tomorrow morning?.

The runner beans are next for the chop and sorting out the mint in pots.
I cut the lavender right back so that is all sorted and I dead headed.  There's not much left of the Japanese anemone flowers now but they have been gorgeous this year.  I'll let them die back a bit more before cutting them back to the ground and thinning them out a bit.

When I have done that, I can put the bulbs out.
There's still plenty of colour though.

The dahlias are still looking gorgeous although the confused one round the front is very tatty and messy now and needs seeing to.  Again, maybe tomorrow.  

It wasn't quite four but the sun was lower in the sky and it was getting a bit chilly so I came in feeling satisfied.

It's Saturday so Strictly evening.  Wonder who will get the chop this week seeing as Nick has a bye, poor chap.  He does seem to have been plagued by injury and one wasn't even dancing related.
And I am so looking forward to hearing what Chris has to say to Craig this week.  That man must have Diane in fits of laughter during rehearsals.

Time to stop and send, I think.  Beth and Alex are here tomorrow so I must get a small joint out of the freezer before I forget.  And Strictly has just started!

I hope your Saturday has been as peaceful and satisfying as mine has been.  Sleep well and sweet dreams.  xx

Friday 4 October 2024

Friday evening, 04-10-24

 Evening, everyone.  It's been a gorgeous Autumnal day today.  After a pretty chilly start, the skies cleared, the sun shone and it felt nice and warm.  Lovely.

I went to Slimming World as usual and, also as usual, I had a good time there.  Our leader/consultant, Jen, is leaving the area and moving up north and next week is her last week.  Today, the lady who is taking over, Heidi, was there to get a feel for the group and to say 'hi'.  We will miss Jen terribly but Heidi is very pleasant so fingers crossed.

After group I popped to Morrisons and now I have the Christmas Day meat safely in the freezer.  I have decided we are having a nice leg of lamb instead of turkey.  It's a nice feeling to know that it is there, all safe and sound.

Then I came home and, basically, just pottered for the rest of the day.  I did some housework, some cooking, some clearing out, some crochet (the blanket is really coming on now) and booked some tickets.

One of the guys in the SW group, Mark, is vicar of a local Methodist church that has quite a good music and drama group and in a fortnight they are doing a concert performance of Chess and Mark is in it.
Now, I know the pro stage show didn't do terribly well and was heavily slated by the critics but the music is, I think, absolutely great and I'm really looking forward to this.  I'm going with a couple of SW friends so that should be great fun.

On a less happy note, while I was filling dates in next year's diary, I realised that I have double booked so I have had to pull out of the coach trip to Legoland.  I'm really disappointed and embarrassed but that's life, isn't it.  Maybe they will do another one in 2026. and at least I have given them plenty of time to fill my space.

Saturday tomorrow but the diary looks pretty clear.  I can do the on;line SET and then, weather permitting, I might attack the garden.
What are your plans for the weekend?

Sleep well, everyone.  xx

Thursday 3 October 2024

Thursday evening, 03-10-24

Evening, everyone.
The day started very dismal and a bit damp but it brightened up gradually and by mid afternoon the sun was shining beautifully.

I set to early to prep lunch for me and Val so after she arrived I would be able to spend most of the time chatting rather than in the kitchen.  Then Chris came over and we had a jolly good natter about this, that and the other including where we would like to go for a Christmas lunch in December and when.  It's now all sorted and booked which is lovely.

Val turned up and the chatting continued.  It's been about a month and a half since I last saw her so there was plenty to cover.  Lunch went well; the quiche was delicious, salad is always nice and the little roastie type potatoes (not chip shaped) were great.  And best of all, there were enough leftovers to sort out my dinner and two lunch sized portions of quiche are now in the freezer so that sorts out a couple of lunches next week.

The 2025 diary turned up (ordered from Amazon) and I've filled in all the necessary stuff from this year's diary.  I don't like to leave it too long because all the pretty covered diaries get snapped up and I do like a pretty cover.  The insides are always the same so it definitely is a case of judging a book by its cover.  😉

As the sun came out, the garden came to life so here's just a few photos.

The bedding dahlias have been absolutely amazing.
Nature's patterns are so fantastic, aren't they?
The cyclamen - Mum gave me one corm (it is a corm, isn't it?) decades ago and it spread year after year and now covers the bed, even the bits you can't actually see because of other plants.
In a short while, the leaves will come up and pretty much cover the flowers so I am making the most of them right now.
One of those £5.99 filled barrels from Home Bargains . . .
. . . and the other, both beautifully filling out and giving a lovely splash of colour.

Definitely one of my better impulse buys!
Last, but not least, the broad beans.
They've come on so well, there are loads of flowers and this afternoon the bees were merrily buzzing around them.
Also merrily attached to one stem - just one - was some blackfly.  Ex blackfly, I should say.  I am afraid any pretence at organic gardening flies out of the window as blackflies enter the room.
At least they were spotted early, pesky things!

Well, time to wrap this up for today.  I hope you've had sunshine too; it is so very cheering after a dull morning.
Sleep well and sweet dreams, everyone.  Stay safe and warm.  xx

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Wednesday evening, 02-10-24

Evening, one and all.  
I woke up this morning to a pleasant surprise.  Good old Premium Bonds.  £125 isn't a huge amount but every bit helps nowadays and it is nice to know it's there to fell back on, should it be needed.  I am happy with that.
Great start to the day.

I have Val round for lunch tomorrow and have been dithering about what to make and have decided to make a crustless quiche of some kind with some salad and, perhaps, a few chips made in the Ninja.  All very easy and relatively fool proof.

I got all the stuff done that I wanted to get done before popping out to Lindsey's for personal training.

And that was today.  It's all very ordinary and everyday at the moment, nothing very exciting but also nothing very drastic or difficult.  I do like a quiet life.  I must try to remember to take a few photos at some point to brighten things up.  

Have a lovely rest of evening, everyone, and sleep well.  xx

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Tuesday evening, 01-10-24

Evening, everyone.  It's dark and it is not quite seven yet.  Ho hum!  The doors are locked for the night, the curtains have shut out the darkness and the candle is burning.  All nice and cosy! 

It has been quite a busy day.  Chris and I drove to Groove today rather than walk although we could have walked as the expected rain didn't start until later.  We were actually in the church today because the windows were being replaced in the church hall, so it felt a bit different but nice to have that extra room.

When home, I remembered to read the gas meter and send off the readings.  I should be getting the quarterly bill in around a week and then the more expensive time starts.  The heating has clicked on a few times but it's nice to feel a bit warmer.

I then went straight out again, shopping list in bag, to Sainsbury's to do the first shop of the month and to fill up with petrol.
I did look at the clothes (Christmas jumpers or PJs, anyone?) but really wasn't tempted in the slightest.  I found most of what was on my list and now I'm well stocked and should be OK for around ten days, hopefully; longer for some things.

As I was wandering around looking for stuff, who should I see but my friend, Diane.  She'd had a rotten morning and was seeking some gastronomic consolation, bless her.  We had a lovely chat and, if I had been close to finishing my shopping, we'd have gone for a coffee - but I wasn't even close to finishing so that was that.

It took me ages to get everything properly put away when I got home but it's all ship shape again now.  I got all the ironing done and that just needs taking up and putting away.

And that was that.  Tomorrow is also a fairly busy day because Thursday is going to be packed with social things and I really need a clean and tidy downstairs and a lunch for two prepared.  And there's personal training.  There's time, it is nothing too heavy, but it needs doing.
But for now, after posting this, I'll sit, chill and knit.  Nice and relaxing.
I hope you have all had a really good day.  Sleep well, everyone, and stay warm.  xx

Monday 30 September 2024

Monday evening, 30-09-24

Good evening, everyone.  When I checked the weather forecast this morning, it wasn't that encouraging, so I wasn't expecting much and wasn't disappointed.  Another day for indoor drying!  

So that's what I did - I have a neat little drying rack that is perfect for drying one load of washing and it tucks in beside a chair, out of the way, if not out of sight, and close to a radiator (which helps when it's on).  That means I have a little pile of ironing which I will do after I've posted this.

I woke at stupid o'clock this morning, wide awake, bright eyed and bushy tailed so I came down, opened up the PC and got my September finances sorted and 'closed'.

It's not been a great month for savings.  I've done the usual standing order into my non negotiable savings and there was a little left which I moved across to October's total rather than inso savings (for now).
I'm planning a No-Spend November.  It can't be October because I have various commitments including a short holiday but I think I might have an October ban on Amazon stuff apart from Christmas gifts.
As for November, all the bills will get paid, of course, as will the monthly normal spending such as food, cleaning products, petrol, etc, but no extras.   

We've agreed, Beth and I, to slimline Christmas this year anyway so that will help.

Anyway, moving on . . .

Thank you all very much for your feedback on the little tryout clip.  Much appreciated.  I'd left it as 'private' when I should have changed it to 'unlisted'.  Lesson learned!

I went out twice today.  The first was circuits.  There were four of us and Lindsey worked us hard.  I'm definitely putting in a lot more effort and seeing results in increased stamina.
And then, this afternoon, I was off to the dentist to see the hygienist and have my teeth scraped.  It was OK.  Not great fun but not bad either and I gather they weren't too bad - my teeth, I mean, not the hygienists!   

Well, I have an online chat coming up at seven so I will check this over and get it sent.  I really hope none of you have had so much rain that there are floods.  Stay safe, stay warm and dry and sleep well.  xx

Sunday 29 September 2024

Sunday evening, 29-09-24

Good evening, lovely people.  It's been a lot less sunny today but no rain so I'll take that with gratitude, especially in light of tomorrow's forecast - eeeek.

Last day of September tomorrow so there's a little list of Things to Do, the biggest of which is closing the month's accounts and opening October's.

This morning was a lazy sort of time, although I did do a loads of darks which are drying on the rack, but this afternoon I drove over to Beth's and we had a lovely time going over arrangements prior to our forthcoming break at Center Parcs.  We booked tenpin bowling, a meat at Hucks (Alex's choice) and talked about what we are taking, found where our lodge is on the village map and, more importantly, worked out how to get to it without getting lost.  It involves going all round the houses (literally) but is pretty simple really.  It's an adapted lodge because of Beth's wheelchair.

And that was about it really.  Tomorrow is busier.

I had a play with the camcorder part of my new camera which is a lot more user friendly than the older one.  More modern, I suppose.  I uploaded straight to YouTube without editing because I don't know how to yet and I wanted to check sound.  It's nonsense really, just a clip, but the picture/sound quality isn't terrible, I think.  What do you think?
(I didn't do any intro, etc.  I have to learn that.  :-)

(second go - is this better, Sue?  Anyone?  Can you access it now?

How has your day gone?  xx

p.s., after Strictly - no spoilers but that was a surprise.  

Saturday 28 September 2024

Saturday evening, 28-09-24

Good evening, everyone.  What a pleasant day it has been.  The rain has departed (temporarily), the wind has died down and we had sunshine.  Not warmth, that would be expecting far too much!  😉
I am hoping that none of you has had any issues with the poor weather today or yesterday.

Talking of warmth, today's the day I gave in and put the heating on.  I was hoping to wait until October at least but there's such a thing as being sensibly frugal and such a thing as being a Scrooge, isn't there?   I am after the former, not the latter.
It was only five degrees Celsius outside this morning.  That's cold without heating!  Or maybe I am just a wimp!

And on a totally different subject, big apologies to Jules.  There were four of her comments in my spam folder,  FOUR!!!  They're where they should be now and thank you for commenting.  

Here's the jumper I have finished.  I said it was chunky and slouchy!  It is also super warm and very comfortable to wear and looks nice with a roll top underneath and leggings or jeans..

I have some yarn left so I've dug out a child's jumper pattern and I'm making a jumper for Chris' grandson who is rwo soon.

The blanket is coming along really nicely too and it is really nice to chop and change from knitting to crochet as I fancy
(and it keeps my fingers warm too).

I haven't really done anything very much today really.  Just pottered, doing homey things in a homey sort of way.  It is, of course, Strictly this evening so I am very much looking forward to that.  It's the first elimination week and there's a little group of them who are jostling for that 'honour', I think, and I don't want any of them to go.
What do you think - who do you think will be in the bottom two and who will leave?

Well, I am going to get this posted now.  Do enjoy whatever you have planned this evening and stay warm.  xx

Friday 27 September 2024

Friday evening, 27-09-24

Evening, lovely people.  Welcome to my Friday blog.
Absolutely shocking weather this morning but, by around midday, it had all cleared up apart from the wind and that seems to have died down now too.  I hope it's not been too bad your way and am thinking about the situation in parts of America where, I gather, it has been awful.

The tomatoes and beans survived though.

Slimming World was as good as it ever is this morning (excellent, in other words) and when I got home, I wrapped up warm and then spent most of the rest of the day finishing off my knitted jumper.  All finished now and it will be lovely and cosy warm.

I made myself a fakeaway chicken fajitas for dinner and now I feel exceedingly stuffed and getting sleepy.  What a piggy, eh?

And that's about it.  Short and sweet so I will love you and leave you to enjoy your Friday evening, whether you are chilling at home or out and about.
Take care, everyone.  xx

Thursday 26 September 2024

Thursday evening, 26-09-24

Good evening, everyone.  It's really not been a very pleasant day today, weather wise.  We did have sun from time to time but we also had some torrential rain and in the afternoon the wind got up and, to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if the runners and the tomatoes are on the ground tomorrow morning.

The new camera and the card reader arrived and I managed to get the photos off the memory card using the reader.  It's obviously the camera that has stopped talking to the PC.  I'll try it again tomorrow but I don't hold up much hope.

A much better photo than the one the mobile took.  Oh, well.

In the meanwhile, the new camera charged up, I formatted the memory card (it is absolutely tiny!) and I've started browsing through the manual.  Much of it is the same as I am sure most digi cameras are and I will devote a bit of time to exploring what it does and doesn't do.  I was expecting it to be smaller than the old one but it isn't, it is bigger.  I think it's a bit lighter though.,
Sadly, the batteries are different so I can't re-use the old ones but this new one came with two batteries which is such a good idea.

I will keep the old camera though.  The only problem is that it's not talking to the PC but I can use the card reader so why not?  

As always, the online SET class was good although the internet (which has been very flaky again this week) went down just as Lindsey dialled so I accessed it on my phone instead.  Not so easy as the picture is so small but there were only two of us plus Lindsey online; everyone else was at the studio.  I managed - loads better than missing it entirely.

Diane came over for lunch - Diane is the friend I went on the cruise with last Christmas.  We had a really lovely catch up time and have set another date when we would like to go into town.  Diane is on another cruise soon and needs a few clothes.

And that was pretty much everything today.  A really good day.  Tomorrow is SW weigh in - so fingers crossed.
Sweet dreams, one and all.  Stay safe.  xx

Wednesday 25 September 2024

Wednesday evening, 25-09-24

 Evening, one and all.  The week seems to be flying past and I almost forgot to put out my bins for collection early tomorrow morning.  I could have lasted out another fortnight but I'm glad I don't have to.

When I started using my mobile to take photos today, I found a few that I had taken on our walk last Saturday and thought I'd share one.  It was lovely weather.

And here's those broad beans . . . doing nicely!  Not a great photo though.

Today was another very pleasant day, what with a lovely chat with Christine, some more clothes sorting so I could take stuff to Lindsey for her next pop-up shop and then personal training when Lindsey said to come early and have a look through the jackets as there were some nice ones.  And there were - I came home with two new-to-me ones.

For the time being, I have ordered a very cheap, lightweight digital camera that seemed to have some very good reviews, despite the price.  I suppose cameras have moved on a lot since I got the one that's not behaving and what would have cost a lot then doesn't now.  I have also ordered a camera card reader so maybe I can salvage the photos I took yesterday.  We will see.
I went for the lightweight on because I think It will be much more practical on my coach trips when I don't want to be lugging weight around more than I can help.

All in all, a useful sort of day really.
And now it is chill, relax, wind down time so that's exactly what I'm going to do.  All the best, everyone, and stay warm.  xx