Sunday 29 January 2012

Sunday morning

. . . and I had a lie in - for me, that is! It was past five when I woke up and I slept well all night long. Excellent!! I think the two good long dozes I had yesterday helped me to stay up until ten yesterday evening, which is unusual for me. Looking out, it's jolly cold today and misty too. I can't tell if there's any frost yet but I suspect not, although there may be a little ice on the cars. It's nice to get some proper cold though rather than slightly muggy dampness.

I had a bit of a worry yesterday. I thought my PC had gone doolally. It wasn't letting me into Facebook, Googlemail and sundry other places and my AVG wasn't updating - eeek. It wasn't until the evening that I realised that somehow I had reset the date to 28th February and various sites weren't happy about it. I only noticed this because I wanted to do an anti spy-ware check and it told me I hadn't updated for 29 days, which I knew was quite wrong! :0) So the date was reset, I went to bed with the spyware running and this morning everything is back to normal again. Phew.

I got my steam cleaner and I'm very pleased with it. Goodness, there's a lot of choice out there but in the end I went for Lakeland's own make which is much cheaper than the others (hardly cheap though!) but which had great reviews despite some limitations. When I got home I had to try it out, of course, and am very pleased with the results. The relevant floors are now nice and clean and it took very little effort - the most energetic bit was carrying the thing from one room to another. The main disadvantage is that there's a few bits in the bathroom and loo that the steamer can't get to, but I think I can survive going over those little bits with a wipe!

While I was in town I also went into Wilkinsons to get a radiator drying rack. I have one over my bedroom radiator to dry my bath towel on each day, but it is very old and the plastic coating is now flaking off. That's now in the bin! It was so cheap I can't see it lasting for ever but we will see. If it goes ridiculously quickly I will look to spend more next time. I'm now thinking of getting a couple more for downstairs. I like ironing things like tea towels, pillow cases, muslins, hankies, etc, from damp as they iron so quickly and easily but then they need draping over the radiator to dry off and air. A couple of little racks would be just the ticket. I need to work out where I will store them first though.

After doing all the ironing I could and draping DDs washing on the drying rack (her machine is on the blink), I realised I hadn't done a de-clutter yet this weekend. I wasn't in the mood for anything major so I got the baskets down from the bathroom and went through them, discarding old stuff and wiping over everything. There was so much rubbish at the bottom of one basket it was ridiculous. Now I have loads of space and the jars and bottles that were clustered around the bath itself are neatly in a basket on the window ledge. I have a tiny bathroom so it doesn't take much to make it look messy and it's going to make it a lot easier to clean too!

Today DD and DG are coming. I think I will do a nice frittata for DD and me and DG can have a portion of lasagna that was vacu-packed and frozen a couple of weeks ago. I'll add some grated cheese on the top as it reheats and it should be just the thing for him. I don't normally do dessert but I have some plums that are rather 'over' so I may stew them and have them with custard and maybe a crumble topping, if I'm feeling very energetic.

Well, better get going. There's a dishwasher to empty and breakfast to make and it won't get done while I sit here, will it. Have a good day.

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