Wednesday 4 January 2012

Target Tuesday a.k.a. Wednesday morning

I forgot, didn't I?  It didn't register that yesterday was Tuesday despite the title to my blog.  All this starting school on Tuesday makes me think it is Monday.  That's my excuse anyway!

Last week's targets:
1.  Sorting out the books:  I've made a start on this at last, getting covered with dust each time I take another handful of books off the shelf.  I'm hard on paperbacks so any that I discard will be bin fodder, not charity shop stuff.  Hardbacks are a different matter but I am not sure I want to get rid of hardbacks - they look nice on the shelves apart from anything else!

2.  The cupboard under the stairs.  Well, this is taking on 'elephant in the room' proportions, or maybe it's more like room 101.  Anyway, I think I'm dropping this one until I feel a bit stronger about it!  At least I can close the door and hide it all.

3.  To sort out the house after Christmas.  Yes, I'm on top of that with a little help from the nice ironing lady who took a whole basket full of clean bedding and turned it all into nicely ironed and folded beauty.  It certainly made a difference.  The house is definitely under control right now: some decorations have been put away and the rest will come down on Friday or over the weekend.  I'm feeling rather excited about using the new Christmas tree bag - isn't that sad?

And my bedroom is still nice and tidy.  Not totally clutter free and not spotless, but clear enough to be relaxing.  Good-oh!

New targets
I seem to have set some targets anyway over the last week, targets which will be daily and ongoing.  I won't regurgitate them in any detail here, there's no point.

1.  Keep up the daily checklist - because it's helping such a lot.

2.  A drawer a day!  Just one and it doesn't have to be a big one.

3.  Continue with the 'Eye for Detail' project.  This includes making sure that past 'details' are kept clear (looking ruefully at the computer table and rapidly adjusting a few things!!).  I can't guarantee one every day but three or four a week on an ongoing basis would make a big difference.

NOT the cupboard under the stairs!  There are two cupboards in this house that are really dire.  One is the cupboard under the stairs, the other is the cupboard over the stair head.  Personally, I blame the stairs - that's the common factor, isn't it?  It's those stairs - nothing to do with me!!

Being back at work was lovely and we were very fortunate with the weather really.  The children got morning and afternoon plays, although the puddles were rather too tempting for some.  Lunchtime had to be indoors though.  After morning play we had the fiercest, heaviest rain/hail storm I have ever seen.  It was so heavy that for a while we could only see about ten metres across the school field from the classroom window.  I feel very sorry for anyone who got stuck out in it because it was almost frightening and the noise in the flat roofed demountables must have been ferocious.  Today, I gather, is going to be better. 

We will see . . .

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