Tuesday 3 January 2012

Tuesday morning and a new term starts

. . . so, of course, it's lashing with rain outside, really pouring with an intensity that announces very firmly to anyone who is listening that it intends to stay that way for a while to come, playtime or no playtime.  Great - lines of wellies and a very wet floor, not to mention indoor play, is a wonderfully exciting start to the new term.  Just what we all need! 
I suppose we must be grateful - in Scotland it could be blizzards.

It will be nice to see the children again - I always miss them over the holidays and feel a bubble of excitement when the new term or half term looms.  I hope that never goes.

I know it's shameful but I cannot remember the last time I set off for a new term leaving a house that is reasonably tidy all through (I discount the garage from this!) and that could accommodate visitors at a moment's notice.  Notice I said tidy, not necessarily completely clean, but it won't take long to run a duster or the Dyson over if needed - because it's more or less tidy.

I remembered to take an 'after' picture of the knife and fork drawer.  I wish I knew how to put photos side by side in here but I don't - any advice gratefully received. 

Remember I said I'd cleaned a bit of the floor grout, using a mixture of two parts bicarb to one part white vinegar.  You can really see the difference in this photos - so that's another daily thing to do, rather more short term than most of the other daily checklist items!

And finally - I'm turning posh today!  When I sorted out the fridge I noticed that there was a pack of smoked salmon slices that didn't get opened over Christmas and which is getting close to its use by date.  So today it is scrambled egg with smoked salmon for breakfast and smoked salmon sarnies for lunch - I baked a nice half and half granary/wholemeal loaf yesterday which will be just the thing!  That, with some banana bread and an apple and satsuma should keep me going until the evening meal.

Better go and get started then!

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