Wednesday 5 April 2023

Wednesday, 05-04-23

 Morning, everyone!  It is stupid o'clock this morning - well, it isn't now, it's after five, but I've been awake for ages, darn it!  Maybe it's the exciting life I lead (if only) but I'm going through a spell of restless nights.  I go to sleep easily and quickly but then wake after a while and it's hard to get back to sleep again.  A bit of a nuisance really.

It's coming on, isn't it?  There's still plenty to do and they're not sure if they will finish by Friday afternoon which means it will go on into next Tuesday (Monday is Bank Holiday) but not to worry, it will all be done eventually!

I had a bit of good news yesterday - my Premium Bonds came up trumps again.  Not a mega amount but enough to put a smile on my face.  It's all reinvested, of course, but it makes me feel I can sort of justify maybe a bit of spending on plants to make the front border look nice once the paving is finished.  They've been very careful but, inevitably, the edge has taken a bit of a battering.

Tim from the solar panel company came round earlier (not a problem as, fortunately, the Groove class had finished), had a good look round, said they would be able to use my extension roof as well as my house roof, measured, looked in the attic and the cupboard over the stairs in the third room (the dumping ground) which they will use for the battery gubbins (highly technical word there!) and it really didn't matter if it was all done before or after the smart meter was fitted.  So there you go!  Given that we are entering the sunnier months (hopefully), I might be selling electricity back to the grid reasonably soon.  Yeehah!
(no, I don't expect to really but I do expect that my bills will go down considerably and that is what matters.)
Now I am just waiting for a date.   It's all happening at long last.  😊

Once he had gone, I was inspired to start in on a bit of clearing in there.  Like a lot of things, it looked a lot worse than it really was.  I emailed my friend who replied saying yes, please, she did still want the stuff so I think I will move all her stuff into the shed.
I know that sounds counter intuitive seeing as I'm clearing the shed, but it's very temporary so should be fine.
There's a lot of stuff in that stair head cupboard but Tim said most of it can go back in there once the work has been done.
So that's something almost off the April list already!

It was such a lovely day that I took advantage of the sunshine to do my load of coloureds and dry them all on the line.  That's all been ironed and put away and happiness is definitely an empty washing basket (among other things)

Finally, I think I've finished the granny blanket squares!  I need to attach the last few and pop it on the bed to check the sides are long enough.  Then I just have to crochet a border (which will take ages but never mind) using the same stitch, nothing fancy, and it's done!

On to today.
It starts with a circuits class at Lindsey's.  Yes, I am released after my self imposed sort-of-isolation having remained fit and healthy all the way through and hoping that's not Famous Last Words!

Then I want to move my friend's stuff into the shed, clear the last remaining bits and bobs in both shed and bedroom and then start on my jumpers.  

Quite a lot of you said you needed to do something similar so we could make it a group effort.  If you can, join with me in giving it just half an hour today.  That's manageable and we could get a surprising lot done in half an hour.  Let me know how it goes . . .  

Time to stop rambling and do something useful like empty the dishwasher and/or make another coffee.  Have a great day, whatever you have planned.  xx


  1. Once you have moved your friends items into the shed, you will then be able to see what space you have left.
    Congratulations on your win! X

    1. That's my hope. It all has a knock on effect, doesn't it? xx

  2. I didn't get to sleep until 2:00 this morning and was awake again at 5:45. Do you think it's something in the air ;-) ?
    It sounds as if you have a busy day ahead.
    I do hope the workmen finish on Friday, then you can spend the weekend deciding which plants should go where.

    1. That would be nice although I probably won't be buying anything this side of Easter.
      I suppose it is a busy day but it doesn't really feel busy, just pottering, if you know what I mean. xx

  3. Always nice to have a little win :) x
    Alison in Wales x

  4. Congratulations on your Premium Bond win. D and I have been doing some sorting out in her room and by just doing one cupboard/ chest of drawers (or part of) a day we can see the difference. Although we did take more than half an hour :-)

    1. I ended up taking more than half an hour too. You know how it is once you actually get going! Well done. xx

  5. This afternoon I attacked part of my garden! I repotted, moved pots around and then started on the garden furniture. It's a job I have been waiting eagerly to do so today I took the plunge. It not only looks good but I feel much better for working in the sunshine. Your driveway will make you feel so much better for sure.
    Suze x

    1. Good for you, Suze. It's lovely when it's done, isn't it? xx

  6. Congratulations on your bond win!!! I am sorry that you are not sleeping well. Hope sleep comes to you very soon.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you, Jackie. It was better this morning - nearly four before I woke. Still not ideal but much better. xx

  7. Rachel here at silly o’clock - insomnia ish - I had a good two hours on the sofa before coming up at 10.30 and slept till 4.35am
    Been reading in Blogland ever since! I think if you could pop round so I could rub you like a lucky charm, that’s be great! Little wins make you feel great! Love Rachel x

    1. It's only semi-insomnia, isn't it? I sleep soundly, get to sleep easily but just wake too early.
      I like the little wins - regularly cheering and I can get plants and stuff and not feel guilty!!
