Wednesday 19 April 2023

Wednesday, 19-04-23

 Good morning, everyone.  After a rather dull day yesterday, today looks like being a bit brighter.  We got a bit of sun but not much and not for long but not to worry, the warmer, brighter weather should be just around the corner, hopefully.
(I know I keep saying that but it's true!)

It was nice to be back in the hall for Groove with everyone else.  Poor Lindsey - her iPod with her playlists for her various classes has crashed in some way and her husband, who is her tech expert, is away for the week so she used a generic exercise background track instead which gave a steady beat but not much else.  It was OK today because she was expecting to use it but yesterday she discovered the problem as she was starting off the first class of the new block which rather disrupted things.

Later on, Jeff came round and now the old water softener is at the dump, bless him.  As Suze said in her comment yesterday, you now have to book so it wasn't just a case of taking it there, even if I could have actually lifted the thing.

I was a bit like a child on Christmas Eve, continually checking out the presents under the Christmas tree yesterday - I still can't access the app that shows me how the panels are doing so I kept running upstairs (nice little calorie burner there) to check the display in the cupboard.  Every time I looked, I was using solar power, not grid power.  And the battery was slowly and surely filling up too.  This was on a pretty cloudy day too.  By the end of the day it was almost empty but should fill again today.
I promise I won't rabbit on for months - it's just all new at the moment and I'm getting used to it!

Today was going to have two Lindsey classes, a small group circuits to replace the one I missed on Monday and personal training - until I discovered that I have an online Governors' meeting first thing, darn it.  I might have the catch up class next Wednesday now.

Then I would like to drive over to Lathcoats.  I've decided a few macarons would finish the Sunday feast off nicely but, after a quick read through the recipe, decided that no was was I attempting them.  Lathcoats (or any garden centre really) is the most likely place to find some, I think.

In the afternoon, it's personal training and in between these things, I'd like to do another bite of the garage and some weeding along the strip at the front.  The lily of the valley and the clump of English bluebells are coming up nicely but can't be seen all that well for weeds.

Well, that's my day.  What does yours look like?  Have a good 'un.  xx

Edit:  I should have said before but if you usually follow Eileen from 'A Bracelet of Days' you will know she's not been around for a while.
She is well, it is just that she hasn't been able to access either her own blog or others' at the moment and is trying to sort it out.  She can now see blogs but still can't write her own or make any comments.
I'm sure she'll be back as soon as possible.  Hope so - I miss her.


  1. I know how you feel about the solar panels. Anything new has to be admired and wondered at constantly until the novelty wears off - that's human nature.

  2. My friend's new hobby is watching his meter - has the surplace directed into the grid and is paid for it - so their electric costs for themselves is zero and then they earn money on top. I am not sure we face the right way for solar panels but they are a great idea. M&S and Sainsbury's do macarons too if you get stuck finding any.

    1. It might be worth going into it.

      I tried Sainsbury's, M&S and Lathcoats but no macarons. But I found some delicious looking madeleines in Lathcoat's so got them instead. xx

  3. Oh gosh, don't worry about rabbiting on about your solar panels and free electricity ... it's something to get VERY excited about if you ask me. And all the checking will help you find out which appliances use what amount of power. Alan could frequently be found in his control room in the workshop ... especially after he had recently washed the panels and they were really generating in Summer.

    1. I'm hoping the rain will wash my panels - there's no way I'm climbing up on the roof!! Actually. I suppose I could wash the ones on the extension roof from the blue room window. How often did Alan wash them?

      Yes, you are right, it is genuinely exciting and that's the idea of the checking - it's a whole new way of thinking and I am being very bold this afternoon and turning on the oven. Oooo-er!!

  4. I love the colours of Macarons but confess I've neither made or eaten them. Curious, because I love sweet things and meringue in particular!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. The making looks a bit complicated, for sure. :-)

  5. I'm sure I'd be exactly the same, Joy. It must be quite fascinating watching the data. Xx

    1. Most of it is gobbledygook but I like the little diagrammes. xx

  6. Thanks for the update on Eileen's 'A Bracelet of Days' Joy, much appreciated. I was on the verge of enquiring.
    Suze x

    1. A pleasure. I hope she comes back soon - I do enjoy reading ber blog. xx
