Friday 14 April 2023

Friday, 14-04-23

 Good morning and a happy Friday to you all.  Yesterday was an absolutely gorgeous day but we're paying back today.  It's just dull at the moment but rain and moderate wind is forecast.  Never mind, it's supposed to be picking up next week so I look forward to that.

Yesterday started with SET at the studio and it was great.  Then I changed into jeans (no way am I going shopping in exercise wear) and popped a bit further along to Sainsburies where I got what I need for the next couple of weeks, hopefully (apart from one day)

I did my time in the garage (it sounds like a penance, doesn't it) but will need to revisit that area as it was all my plastic pots and I found it so hard to discard any of them - you know, 'just in case'.
I also found my mini jam jars but not the bonne maman ones.  Where on earth can they be?

Thank you all so much for your kind comments about the granny blanket.  The colours were totally random really, just using what I had but there was a small underlying pattern.  The yarns divided into two types, plain and sock (which was self patterning) so the first square was plain, sock, plain and the next one sock, plain, sock, changing one colour per square at a time and then trying to avoid putting two same or similar dominant colours near to each other when making it up.  I'm really very happy with it and, again, thank you.  xx

Today starts with Slimming World group and, as always, I'm really looking forward to it.  Once home, the lovely Sharon is coming to tame my unruly locks and I'm just hoping it doesn't clash with the cleaners.  If it does, can't be helped, we can work round it!

Later on, I will be making some strawberry jam, having prepped it yesterday so the strawberries have been macerating in jam sugar overnight.  There is a reason, of course.  It's not long till my birthday and I am hoping the family can come round for an afternoon tea.  I decided to make some strawberry jam and pour into diddy little jam pots so everyone can have an individual pot of jam with scone and cream.  Yummy!!

I want to bake all the cakey stuff.  Being on Slimming World has meant that it's not a terribly good idea to have cake stuff lying around so I haven't baked all that much for ages.  I'm really looking forward to it.

I'll probably also bake a couple of loaves, one white and one wholemeal, for sandwiches but not today.  That's a job for the weekend.  I'm busy collecting good ideas for little cakes and for sandwich fillings at the moment before making a shopping list.  One thing I am definitely making is Jamie's no churn ice-cream from his One Pound Wonders programmes.  It looks so, so good and Sooze said it's lovely (thanks, Sooze).  I might make the rocky road type thingy too.

Time to get back upstairs, dry my hair and get dressed.  Have a lovely day and I hope you can dodge any raindrops.  Stay well.  xx


  1. Mmmm, scones and homemade jam! Your thoughts on an afternoon tea sound delicious, and you have just given me an idea.
    Have a llovely day. Xx

    1. I think it will be a nice thing to do. I don't make a big fuss about my birthday bit I just fancied doing this instead of going out for a meal. I will enjoy all the prep. xx

  2. Your afternoon tea ideas sound delicious.
    We have rain again today and yesterday we had sun, rain and hail, and all while we were out with the dogs! (and then some more later!)

    1. Oh, no. I'm afraid it was gorgeous here yesterday but not so nice today. It still feels chilly too. xx

  3. The individual mini pots is a lovely idea and so is afternoon tea. Knowing my luck it will be cold and wet all week I think as I am trying to wash for going away strip the beds after our visitors and plant the seed potatoes...all of which need some dry weather!! Have a lovely day x

    1. Naaaah - the sun will shine, the ground will be warm and all the potatoes will be happy! :-)

  4. Your afternoon tea idea sounds just perfect, I hope you can find the jars!

    What date is your birthday? I find it fun that so many of us are celebrating this month, it shows that people born under the same star sign tend to get on well with each other ... not that I've read a horoscope thing in years.

    1. It's the 24th and I'm Taurus, not that I pay any attention to star signs either. I like an April birthday. Apart from anything else, everywhere is green and colourful by then. When is yours? xx

  5. Love your descriptions of the afternoon tea prep - what sort of strawberries are you using for the jam? Only asking because most still seem to be from overseas at the moment and I've only ever used British for jam........
    Alison in Wales x

    1. What I got from Sainsbury's - sorry, I didn't check their origin but I suspect not local.
      They jammed perfectly! xx

  6. It sounds like you are planning a lovely tea. Enjoy.

    God bless.

    1. Time with family is the best gift, isn't it? xx

  7. Sounds like a busy day. Good luck with the jam. That sounds like a fun tea treat.

    1. I thoroughly enjoyed making it and it makes the house smell so very good! xx
