Saturday, 29 April 2023

Saturday, 29-04-23, Five Lakes

 Morning, everyone.  Welcome to the start of the first bank holiday weekend of this season.  It's a bit chilly but already gloriously sunny and predicted to feel warmer in the wall to wall sunshine.  Good oh!

It was nice to feel so organised yesterday.  The packing was pretty much done, the house was as tidy as it's ever going to be and it really was just little bits and pieces that needed doing.

I went off to SW group; it was so nice to have Jen back after her break and I was very pleased with my half pound loss after Sunday's feasting.  As always, it was a great time, loads of laughs amongst all the useful stuff and the hall didn't feel as cold as it usually does which was a bonus.

When I got home, the washing had finished so I popped most of it into the tumble dryer for speed.  I checked and it was using my own electricity rather than grid power so that was great.  Once dry, the sheets went straight back on the bed, ready for Monday evening.

The journey to Five Lakes, all forty minutes-ish of it, was fine.  The A12 was quite busy but moving and I'm not on it for long anyway.  There is a way of getting here without using the A12 by heading towards Maldon and I might try that some time.  I know the road to Maldon but not beyond that but it looks straightforward enough and, anyway, sat nav!  My room is nice.  Smaller than the last time I was here but that was an upgrade, of course.

Window to bed - a most comfortable bed too.

Window to door showing the rest of the room.  Plenty of space.  The bathroom is the closer door.

View from window - to the front this time; that roof you can see to the right is the entrance.  Sitting here at the table, my view is looking over the roof to the golf course and it's lovely.  All clean and sparkly in the early sunshine.

I decided not to go on the walk which was the first of Lindsey's planned activities.  Instead, I spent some time sorting out my clothes, etc, and then I enjoyed a coffee before finding the Mersea Suite for Groove.

It was such fun.  Everyone was in holiday mood and Lindsey had planned some great sequences.

It was quite energetic so I went to have a bath and that's when I discovered I had left at home my deodorant and talc.  Ooops!  Thankfully, there's a little shop on site for just such emergencies!
There's always something one forgets, isn't there? 

This was my pre dinner drink - prosecco and campari.  Very nice  but not something to have many of, for sure.  

After dinner (three courses but, again, not to have too often, lovely as it was), we all headed off to the Theatre for the evening's entertainments - a 'meet the team' session followed by a quiz and then the show which was absolutely brilliant.  Lights, Camera, action - music from  'thirty of the greatest movies ever made'.

I was dropping by the time that finished so it was bedtime for me  but I expect some of the others then danced the night away.  

Today is another packed day.  I'm definitely going to Lindsey's first class, SET which starts at 8:15.  Then it is straight to breakfast and I have to be sensible over breakfast choices because at 10:15 she's doing a Strength class.  I've never been to one of those so it will be interesting.
This afternoon, there's circuits in the gym and then another Groove class and I'll see how I feel about the second of those two when the time comes.
There's also a full day of Potters led stuff as well so goodness knows what I will end up doing.   I do want to stroll around the golf course/grounds at some point, making the most of the lovely weather.

Anyway, that's today and it is going to be good.  Have a lovely day too, everyone, and be happy.  xx


  1. Lindsey must be shattered at the end of the weekend, so many classes! I imagine she's very fit though, she'd have to be. Sounds like you're having a lovely time, Joy. xx

    1. I think she will be but she's revelling in it at the moment. She's a real extrovert, strong and energetic despite being small and slight. It's been great so far - SET was brilliant earlier. xx

  2. I think in other settings this would be called 'boot camp'. It all looks very enticing, though x

    1. It's great. Not the least bit Boot Camp although I do know what you mean. :-)

  3. Sounds great - have a lovely time x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It's been brilliant so far - so good. xx

  4. Lovely to see your photos Joy. Enjoy your break, it seems ages ago since you were there before. Have a great time.
    Suze x

    1. Thanks, Suze. Loving every moment. xx

  5. Room looks lovely. Have a wonderful time!

    1. Thanks, Sharon. It is very comfortable. xx

  6. I love how you described your organized weekend plans.
