Tuesday 2 May 2023

Tuesday, 02-05-23

Good morning, everyone.  The morning sun didn't last all day but, as far as I know, we only had a few spots of rain and it was certainly dry enough for the washing!

After a very easy drive back, I arrived home, unpacked, got the washing, drying and ironing done and worked hard at staying awake until a sensible bed time.

I was pleased to see that my little front area is looking nice.

My little clump of English bluebells is looking lovely.

One of the planters is filling in nicely . . . 

. . . as is the other.  It's all going to look so pretty.

This is next door's.  It's two long planters that they have filled with stuff and, as it is right on the edge of my path to the front door (the grey paving marks the edge), I will get the benefit of it as well.

I was so inspired, I got out the mower and cut my little bit of grass so as not to let the side down!

Today, I am going to have to stay home.
This is because Ray (from Hire a Hubby) is coming to do all sorts of little jobs, repairs, etc and, I think, to clean my back garden paving so it's nice and light for the summer.
I have no idea how long it will take but I've let Lindsey know I won't be at Groove which is a shame but resting my ankle another day won't do any harm at all and also I'm feeling quite stiff after Aqua yesterday - you work a lot harder than you realise when it's in water..
I also have no idea what I'm going to do while Ray does all the stuff but I am sure I will find something!  I'm expecting him to arrive around 8:30, although it might be a bit later if the traffic is bad as he's based in Danbury.

I hope you will all have a good day; stay safe and be happy.  xx


  1. Your planters will look lovely as they fill and nice to be able to enjoy your neighbours planters too

    1. Best of both worlds, isn't it - they can enjoy mine and I theirs. xx

  2. Your planters are looking lovely already. Later today I plan to go to the nursery and possibly the garden centre to buy my plants and start planting up this week. At the weekend I was invited to a bluebell show which I always go to in private woodland. The ground was a carpet of blue and the fragrance was heavenly - it was a beautiful day so we enjoyed picnic lunch amongst the colour and sweet smell. Your bluebell tub bought it all back to me. Thank you.
    Suze x

    1. How lovely. Where was that, Suzre. Have a great time at the garden centre - we have so many around here to choose from, don't we? xx

    2. On the Essex /Suffolk border x

  3. Yours, and your neighbours flowers look beautiful ... and the bees will be thanking you both too. I can't for one moment imagine you twiddling your thumbs while Ray gets on with his DIY jobs around the house and garden.

    1. lol - It's guilt-making to do nothing while someone else is working hard!
      I've not done that much really but one can look busy!! xx

  4. It's lovely to see new plants making themselves at home.
    We're looking forward to welcoming some new shrubs, soon x

    1. Lovely. It's always nice to extend the 'family'. xx

  5. I bet it's a real treat to see all that pretty colour

    1. It's lovely. What with the new kitchen window, the paving and now the plants, our combined frontage looks very attractive indeed (we are semi detached). As you say, a real treat. xx

  6. The planters look great. I haven't got around to filling any here - it's just been so cold I can't get in the mood!

    1. I was rather self-pushed into it really after the paving was finished. It all looked so shabby! xx

  7. The flowers look gorgeous! I love the planter boxes.

    1. They are lovely - very quality. Mine are just plastic but they look really nice with the flowers in and I can lift them - most important. :-) xx

  8. Your flowers are beautiful and make me envious. Can't plant here for another probably three weeks, due to the chances of a late frost.

    God bless.

    1. The front is quite sheltered so I think it will be OK. A May frost is not unknown around here too but they should be OK so close to the house. Hope so, anyway! xx

  9. Beautiful flowers. Glad you arrived back safely

    1. Thanks, SHaron. I really must explore the non-A12 route - I'm not that fond of the A12 as a road. xx

  10. Your planters are looking lovely, and I'm glad you enjoyed your trip. I expect you're already looking forward to next time. Xx
