Monday 15 May 2023

Monday, 15-05-23

Good morning, everyone!  How can we be half way through May?  How is that even possible and when with Mother Weather wake up to that fact?
To be fair, after a very dull morning yesterday, the afternoon was absolutely gorgeous with warm, fence to fence sunshine and a gentle breeze.  It was glorious.  A shame it didn't hang around this morning though - more rain and more wind right now.  The actual forecast is for sunny intervals.  Not now, not here, BBC!!  

Later edit:  8:10.  Apologies, BBC, the sun is now out and it looks lovely!!

Yesterday turned out fine.  I did my little bit of shopping when Morrison's opened, I got three loads of washing done, line dried (yay) and ironed.  There's some stuff on hangers that needs to be put away and then it's all done.

I had a lovely time working gently in the garden.  I've decided to ditch some bits that just haven't come up at all this year which leaves me with several empty pots so I need to have a ponder about how to use them.  I put some more potting compost into pots ready for tomato plants (I'll probably take a trip down to Grenville Nurseries next week at some point to get them) and decided that I gave enough space in one of the beds for a yellow courgette plant, if the nursery has any.
I just have two nemesia and a few lobelia to get into the middle bed now or, maybe, into a pot instead.  I wasn't sure and need to ponder.

I did my meal planning for this coming week and, more tentatively, jotted down a few things for the following week, so I can now do my shopping list.

And, finally, I had a browse through the P&O Cruise brochure.  It all looks most exciting and rather bewildering; I will be seeing Diane next week so I'll take it with me and we can have a look through together.  There are lots of them that sound really good so spoilt for choice really.

Today, the diary is blank apart from circuits.  I'll definitely be going as it's much more strength stuff than bouncy stuff and the support bandage really does help.  Apart from that, I'm not sure apart from the usual houseworky stuff but that's OK as I have woken up with a bit of a sore throat and headache so taking it easy feels pretty good right now.
Have a great Monday, everyone, and take care.  xx


  1. It's a lovely sunny day here but I'm invigilating so stuck indoors. Hoping for some decent weather at teatime and l can do a bit of gardening

    1. Of course - it is very much exam time, isn't it. Poor kids. Hoping everything goes well. xx

  2. The sun is out here and the garden is beckoning though I do need to go out for some non-food shopping of items that are needed and been on my list for months. Have a good day x

    1. Enjoy the shopping, Vi8 - I quite like that sort of outing. xx

  3. Enjoy your cruise browsing with your friend. I hope you find the perfect holiday Joy. just read back and see you were booking to go to the craft show at the NEC in November. I haven't been for several years so I may book as well. Never know we may see each other there. Have a good day x

    1. That would be fun! I've never been. xx

  4. Gorgeous sunny, warm day here as well. I got to line dry all my clothes today which is a first.

    God bless.

    1. It's so lovely when you can do that, isn't it? The dry washing smells gorgeous! xx
