Thursday 11 May 2023

Thursday, 11-05-23

 Good morning!  It was another lovely day yesterday, broken by some rain late afternoon but not nearly as hard, noisy or prolonged as Tuesday.  Today, I think, is supposed to be more of the same!

Yesterday passed gently.  I got the washing done, dried, ironed and away (cheers) and personal training was good although I really felt it after missing a week.  I was very achey through the evening but it's fine now.  I also did a bit of weeding, a bit of scraping between the slabs and I mowed my little patch of grass.
And that was about it really!

Today is much busier.  
I have an online SET class.  Then it's a quick freshen up before popping over the cul de sac to have coffee and chat with Chris.  And then I'm off to Val's for lunch.  It's just as well I don't have a lot of housework apart from just making sure the house is cleaner friendly for tomorrow.

I took a few garden photos:

I'm looking forward to strawberry picking at Lathcoats but I'm also looking forward to picking my own.  Last year was not a good crop but this year it looks much more promising.

The clematis is budding up really well.

The new lupins are looking very happy.

The middle bed is looking messy still (bulb leaves dying down) but it won't be long before there are flowers - iris, lupin, lavender, geranium and Japanese anemone and that's just one half.  I seem to have lost a few things from the other side but I'll give them another few weeks before looking to replace anything.  

Sadly, there is no sign of the fuchsias in a couple of pots.  They are usually sending out new growth by som.  A shame, I have had them for years, but there you go!

Have a lovely day, whatever your plans.  xx


  1. Once the Spring bulbs have finished flowering, there always seems to be a bit of a gap before lots of other plants start flowering - well, there does in my garden. But lots of promise of things to come, which is exciting. Pity about your fuchsias. xx

    1. There does and it all looks rather messy too, but that will change soon. Yes, I'm sad about the fuchsias - they were lovely. I will replace them, definitely. xx

  2. The strawberries look nice.

    1. Yes, I think so too. I'm looking forward to the very first one - always a moment to celebrate!!
      Thanks, Lea. xx

  3. I've not got strawberries this year but the Keep Moving Group is in Brother-in- Laws village every week so will pop round and steal some - he'll never even know I've been! (Actually I warned him and he just laughed)

    1. I'm laughing too . . . the really fresh ones are so delicious, aren't they? xx

  4. Your garden is going to be glorious very soon if the weather stays fine. Enjoy your coffee and lunch-I’m meeting a former colleague who emigrated to Florida a number of years ago in our local Museum coffee shop. Catriona

    1. That sounds lovely, Catriona - have a fantastic time. xx

  5. You should have some lovely strawberries soon, we've not had homegrown ones for years. Back in Wales the squirrels discovered the strawberry beds and easily got under the netting, they picked all the tiny unripe berries off and left them in little piles in various locations, obviously thinking they would ripen. I was gutted when I found the plants stripped and strawberries piled up every year.

    Hasn't this last week shot by so quickly, it does not seem like a week since you were getting the place 'cleaner friendly'.

    1. It's quite scary how quickly the time is passing. We are over a third of the way through May already.
      Fingers crossed, we don't have squirrels round here all that much (hoping that isn't Famous Last Words). Heartbreaking to lose all that fruit! xx

  6. I am starting to see things start to grow and begin to put out growth. Here fuchsia are classified as an annual.

    God bless.

    1. These have survived for years but I guess the very cold and unusually long (for here) cold weather did the damage. A shame but I looked around and there's plenty to be had. Maybe, if I have my garden room, I can pop them in there if the weather is predicted to be very cold. xx

  7. Nice garden photos! I was reading the Sybil Witters On blog and she was saying that her fuchsia isn't blooming much this year either. Do you think it was from the weather? Hers was lovely last year and not so much - so far - this year!

    1. It could be. Mine die back each year and should be sending up new growth bu now (but isn't).
      I'm guessing it was the cold weather. xx
