Sunday 21 May 2023

Sunday, 21-05-23

 Morning, one and all, and a happy Sunday to you!  We are not into the last third of May and June is just peeping around the corner.  What feels even more strange is that we are only a month away from the longest day of the year which is June 21st this year.  Crazy!

Yesterday was just one of those simple, happy days.  I must have been in a very positive frame of mind and everything just flowed - like beads on a string as I think Anne Shirley once said in one of the Anne books - I forget which one but I bet one of you knows!

SET was really good.  There were six of us so I was lucky to get a place at the studio - I access it via my Snippets subscription so it should really be online but Lindsey lets me join the studio group when there's room.  Online is fine but there's a great vibe in the studio.

By the time I got home, the first load of washing had finished so that went on the line and the next lot went in to wash.  By the time that had finished, the first lot was pretty much dried what with the sun and the breeze - it was that sort of washing day.  So by the end of the day, all the washing, including the bedding, was washed, dried and ironed and there's just a bit that needs putting away today because it was airing overnight.

In between loads of washing, I pottered around doing other bits and pieces.  All the plants in little pots are now in their homes.  The tomatoes look great, all in a row, although I must spread them out just a bit more than they are right now.  I moved some random strawberry plants along a bit so now I have space for a yellow courgette, if I find a likely looking plant at the nursery.  I love yellow courgettes.  They're supposed to taste the same as the green ones but they don't - or maybe it's the golden skin colour affecting the old taste buds, I don't know.  Anyway - fingers crossed I find one.
While I was in the gardening mood, I mowed my little patch of grass and attacked some inter-paving weeds with my wire tool which is specifically for the purpose so the front looks neat again.
I emptied some pots where the contents had passed away so, maybe, that means a few more tomato plants this year!  Woohoo!

This made me very happy!
The dishwasher was on, the washing machine was on and I was still exporting power to the grid.

Finally, I grabbed everything on the wall hooks and brought it all into the living room for a good sort-out.
All the winter coats went upstairs and into the blue room wardrobe and I brought down the summer coats.  All the scarves, hats, etc, are now away for the summer and I was able to re-arrange multiple umbrellas.

It's not my fault I have so many umbrellas!  There's eight hanging there, one larger one without a hanging thingy in the corner and two in the car!

You would not believe how many umbrellas John and I found when we were sorting out Dad's house!  He took a few, I think, Alex and Beth had some, we gave out a few to friends and I took the rest, as they are all very good quality and certainly not ready to be thrown away.

John and I reckoned they must have done the usual 'go on holiday and forget to pack one' thing.  They went on holiday quite a lot . . .

I also have two fold up raincoats (also hanging there) because Mum's was loads better quality that the one I already had.

Anyway - they won't be wasted.  I've already sent visitors off with one if they get caught out and I never, ever need to buy one again!

And the bottom line is that the winter coats are now away, the summer things out and ready to use, should they be needed and it's neat and tidy in the hall - as tidy as it ever is, anyway!

And one of the highlights of the day was sliding into bed, weary and ready for sleep, that had been made up with lovely, sun-dried bedding.  Bliss!

I have no specific diary notes for today although I might go for a walk in one of our lovely parks or commons - I will see how I feel.   I have a chicken to roast for Sunday dinner - it's surprising how the thought of roast chicken makes me feel happy!!!
The other thing I will do is sort out my jeans again as I suspect I will fit back into more of the tens now so the twelves can go away again - I am reluctant to actually dispose of them just yet.

But, for now, it is second coffee time.  The sun is shining and, while it is too chilly to sit out in the garden and drink it, I might just pop upstairs and enjoy it in bed while reading a magazine or two - classic Sunday morning stuff.

What are you doing today?  xx


  1. Just having my second coffee and blog reading. Don’t know why I was wakened so early this morning but got up and got started to what needs done.Sewing machine is out ready to make a bag for a gift and then I will sort out what’s Needed for Tuesday’s craft group. Happy Sunday! Catriona

    1. It sounds like a very pleasant day and I hope you got it all sorted for Tuesday. xx

  2. We were up at 4:30. Our visiting dogs wanted to go out, so, of course, all the rest followed suit, including the cats. Hey ho!

  3. Sounds like a really nice easy going Sunday. We've enjoyed a roast duck dinner too despite the hot ,sunny day. Have also been lazing around in the garden - something we have to remember to do, we're usually weeding etc!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I think a roast dinner is appropriate at any time - I love them and yours sounds delicious! :-)

  4. Anne of Avonlea - "I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string" Those days are great aren't they - whatever the season

    1. That's the one!! I do love that quote. 'Anne' said some lovely and true things, but this is one of the best. The days filled with simple pleasures are such lovely days. Thanks, Margaret. xx
