Sunday 11 June 2017


Oh, dear, oh, dear, I do have a muggy head this morning.  I'd like to blame the hay fever which has landed with a big thud, but . . .

Yesterday was wonderful.  The sun broke through the clouds and I set off to do a shop at Aldi and then on to Wyvale for some more potting compost.  I seem to be getting through loads of the stuff this year but the garden is looking good and I don't begrudge it one little bit.

After sorting that out, I loaded the mower into the car and spent an hour or so down the allotment, mowing and weeding.  Everything is coming along nicely and we have a couple of teeny weeny little yellow courgettes on one small plant.  The mange tout and sugar snaps have survived the onslaugh from the pigeons and the potatoes have flower buds.

After that I made scones, got out the best china, made elegant (well, crustless) sandwiches and so on before changing and waiting.  After tea, we set off for the Picture House in town and watched a recorded showing of La Traviata from Glyndebourne.  Oh, it was stunning, simply wonderful.  The music is glorious anyway but the acting was superb too and I am so glad that gone are the days when a 'well built' and aging soprano could play Violetta, just because she had the voice for it.  On recordings, that's fine, but not for the full package.

When we got home, J and I opened a bottle, got out some nibbles and settled down for a good chat.  Several hours, thousands of words, lots of nibbles and - er - more than one bottle later, we said goodnight and retired.
Hence the muggy head this morning - not a headache, just muggy!  My own fault and copious amounts of coffee are slowly clearing it.

However, it was a super day and I wouldn't have changed it for the world.

Today will be quiet - mostly.  Beth and Al are coming for lunch and I have planned something easy - toasties with salad, which we all love.  Then Beth and I are allotment bound to water, weed, strim and clear although, if it's hot, that might reduce to just watering and strimming!

I have decided to start using my 'best' stuff more.  I have some very pretty china which has been stored away in a cupboard and never used.  Ditto for my Edinburgh crystal.  I've realised that it is very silly to have lovely things and not to use them, especially at my age, so - I will use them!  Not all the time, they will stop being a treat if I did, but much more often than never!

Do you find you have things you never use because they are 'best'?


  1. I have bone china tea cups and plates which I was always saving for some time special. A couple of years ago, I decided to use them for "Tea and Poetry" time in my home school (3 granddaughters that I teach). At the time, the girls were 6, 8, and 9. I worried about broken or chipped china, but, the girls are so thrilled to use it and they are so careful. (Touch wood!) there have been no accidents. It is well worth the effort to wash it by hand, just to see the excited faces for Tea and Poetry time each week.
    Myra, from Winnipeg, Canada

  2. That is really lovely. You've made memories that will last a lifetime and beyond.
    Somehow, washing such lovely things by hand is such a pleasure.
    J x
