Thursday 15 June 2017


Hello again!  The sun is shining, the windows are open and I am sneezing!  Oddly enough, yesterday was more or less sneeze free and I only realised I hadn't taken my tablet when down the allotment thinking how nice it was not to be sniffing away.  The pollen must have been low down our way.

I slogged away on that last bit of un-dealt with ground and finally, at long, long last, it's all finished.  Here's the photographic evidence to prove it.

We have no plans for this bit right now except as an over-spill.  The spare runner beans will be there, growing up a wigwam construction, and maybe a bit of kale, but in the longer term, there will be another bark chipping pathway to the right of the rhubarb bed and the rest will be split into two sections, one for raspberry bushes and one for a strawberry bed, to be filled with runners from my strawberries, here in my garden.  The strawberry bed will be covered with membrane and then with straw over the top.  We'll have to see what the birds make of it all - we might possibly need some sort of cage construction to protect the fruit but time alone will tell on that one.

For now I will be hoeing it over once a week to keep those pesky weeds under control!

By the way, we don't have that gap in the rhubarb patch so we can plant flowers, we plant flowers because there is a gap!  Later on this year, Beth intends splitting one of the plants to fill it.

The only other news from the allotment is that the courgettes are doing great and I hope to see a flower today or maybe tomorrow.

Back home, I whizzed around a bit and then made my way to school where I watched (and took part) in a couple of recorder lessons with the Y4 classes.  You may wince at the thought of massed recorders and I would understand but, you see, back in the day I did a lot of recorder tuition at school.  Multiple clubs at different levels and individual lessons for those who were keen and showed promise.  We entered music festivals and took graded exams (very successfully).
So this was fun!  It helped that I taught both classes, one of them in Y1 and the other in Y2 so we were old friends.

So that was yesterday.  Today promises to be another very pleasant day.  Out to lunch and then a show this evening.  And it should stay sunny all day too.  Superb!

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