Saturday 10 June 2017


Morning, everyone!  It's a bit dull right now, no sun and no breeze but, according to the BBC, the sun will break through and we will have a glorious day.  I have already sneezed seven times so will be popping the anti-snuffle pills next time I wander into the kitchen!

I got a fair amount done yesterday, one way and another.  The house is now reasonably neat and tidy and downstairs is clean.  I baked bread - a larger loaf than usual - and made scones using yogurt and they were delicious.  My friend came round and we had a really good catch-up chat after which she left taking the rest of the scones with her for her boys.

Do you like the new photo at the top?  That was yesterday's picking and there's still plenty more to come.  More jam, I think, plus some in the freezer.

Today is busy.  Shopping first and then allotment.  After that I will be doing a bit of baking and making 'elegant' sandwiches for when two friends come over for tea.  I'm doing a proper tea with two types of sandwiches followed by scones with jam and cream, shortbread and cake.
Then we're all off to see a recorded showing of La Traviata which should be splendid.
After that, once home again, I imagine that a bottle of something will be opened, nibbles produced and we will chat and chat!

I shall enjoy today!


  1. Love the new photo I can't get mine to not cover it with text needs more work.

  2. LOL!
    My other blog won't let me post a photo without making it way, way too big. I need to look at the settings - but not until I feel more energetic!
    J x
