Wednesday 28 June 2017


I'm rather late today.  In fact, I can't remember when I last did my blog in the afternoon.  I felt a bit urky this morning so have been taking things easy.

The painter chap has just finished the shed and as much of the fence as he can do so I thought I'd take and share some photos - yes, more photos - of stuff out there.  Having a neat fence/shed does make a difference to how everything looks, for sure, as well as protecting the wood..

Firstly the spuds.  Two bags of Charlottes, found on the allotments but not needed there . . .

. . . and one bag of King Edwards, planted as an afterthought after some sprouted in my fridge.  There's more to come up here but they will be late as they were late in.  In fact, they were all late in really.

Next are the tomatoes.  All doing well although I'm wondering if we will be getting a blight warning.  Dad's had one today.
Three different types, three different colours - or they will/should be anyway.

The sweet peas are growing fast but no sign of flowers yet.  I wonder if I need to nip out the tops or something.  Must google for information!

Next door there is a lovely birch tree that delightfully shades the end of the garden.  I love sitting under it, enjoying the dappled sunlight.

Here's the bit where I want to lift up a few of these slabs to make a bit of a growing area only I haven't decided which slabs I want lifting yet.  It will be a sort of geometric edge as I'm not cutting any of the slabs and I think it will really look rather nice.  It won't be done until Autumn though, after the harvest.

And finally, the strawberry thingy is starting to look nice as the lobelia comes into flower.  I'm so glad I didn't throw it out now.  The strawberries aren't bad either!

Back tomorrow!

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