Wednesday 8 April 2015


After a really lovely day yesterday it's flippin' cold again this morning.  I suppose that's only to be expected at this time of the year when the skies are clear.  Anyway, it's cold but not frosty and it should warm up pretty quickly.

Yesterday morning I went for coffee and a chat with three ex colleagues  Of course, by now they all knew that I'll be retiring and they were all for it.  We had a great chat about all sorts of things and I went home feeling cheered up and happy.

I've started a sort of sourdough.  It seems to be the in thing right now and, as usual, I 'cheated' (and no, I'm not saying how, I don't want to invite wrath my innocent and unprotected head) but we will see.  It's a confusing thing and there seem to be as many ways of doing it as there are people using it but the main message seems to be 'it's hard to go wrong'.  Wanna bet?  Watch this space, as they say

I'm also following up on a few frugal recipe ideas but not too much as they're somewhat calorific.  I might report back, depending.

Today I will be going into school to get things ready for the new term - my last term.  That feels odd.  Apart from time off to have my family, I have taught for all my adult life.  When I think about not teaching there's a great big gap and an empty feeling.  Really weird.

Oh - one more thing.  I popped into Morrisons yesterday to get some daffs to take to June and they had parsley plants that looked pretty healthy.  So now I have one, sitting in state on the kitchen window sill until I think it's OK to put out.  I'd like to get it established and maybe even into a larger pot before sticking it in the garden.  It might even stay in a pot on the window ledge: I haven't really decided yet.

And now it is coffee time!


  1. According to my retired relatives that empty feeling will very quickly be filled with wondering how you ever had time to work :-)

  2. Chrissie is right, all the stuff you struggled to do, you'll then have more time to do. You might 'miss work', but I never gave it a second thought. Jx
