Sunday 12 April 2015


Good morning.  I'm now back at home after a few days with my favourite people, Mum and Dad.  As always, I had a lovely time - thanks very much to them both.

As mentioned yesterday, we went to Wrest Park and spend a delightful two hours walking around the part after a simple picnic lunch in the sunshine.  It was beautifully warm when the sun shone but when the sun went in, the wind got up and there was a brief and light smattering of raindrops as a front passed over, it was quite chilly and I was glad of my jacket on top of my cardigan.  Fortunately it lasted only a few minutes and soon after that the sun came out and all was warmth and fragrance again.

I was very pleased that at no point did my knee give me any trouble whatsoever and even afterwards there was no stiffening or discomfort.  It's definitely well on the mend, whatever 'it' was.  I honestly do think if I'd been to the GP he'd have told me to lose some weight and he'd have been well justified.  I am losing weight now and the knee is not troubling me.  A lesson for the future, for sure.

In the evening we went to a local eating place that Mum and Dad often use.  It wasn't as good as usual (although the food was perfectly acceptable) - for example, there was a lot crossed out on the menu and their lighter bite menu wasn't available - and it was only after the meal that we discovered that it is closing on Monday for two and a half months for a complete refurbishment so goodness knows what it will morph into.  Hopefully nothing trendy and high end with associated high prices or it won't suit Mum and Dad at all.
On the other hand, I had a couple of glasses of the house white and house white it most certainly wasn't, it was far too good for that.  Using up what they, I suspect, and I was the gainer.

After the walking exercise and helped by the glasses of nice dry white stuff, I slept soundly all night long.  Now I'm off the alcohol again.

Saturday was the reason I went over.  It was the Arcadians show, Fiddler on the Roof.  I've mentioned the Arcadians before:  an excellent local amateur operatic society whose performances I always enjoy very much.  It was very good indeed.

It must be musical season; I saw via Facebook that a friend is in The Pirates of Penzance at the Civic Theatre in the middle of May so I have booked for that too.  Something to look forward to amidst the doom and gloom of report writing (last time - yay).

The weather changed but after the rain had passed over out came the sun again.  It wasn't as warm as Friday though.

An easy journey home, helped by very light traffic.  The rest of the day has, sadly, to be set aside for work.  Such a shame it is all over, done and dusted - the holiday, I mnean.  It's been a lovely half term, a forerunner of things to come.
Never mind, the sun is shining, the French window is open, the house is clean and tidy . . . and dinner is made and just needs cooking.

Sixty six more teaching days before my life changes for ever!


  1. Woo hoo - 66 days at the grindstone (grin). Hoping they are all pleasant ones. Jx

  2. Thanks, Joan! Me too.
    J x

  3. Wow, 66 days! Goodness, how exciting! Just imagine finally having time to do all those lovely things after those 66 days - it sounds wonderful! :o)
    Have a great first day back. :o)
    S. xxx
