Monday 13 April 2015


Well, that's the holiday done and dusted for another few months before I start  the last, long holiday (ha ha).  You can't count half term at the end of May as they are crammed with report writing.

I'm getting in the mood.  Yesterday evening I went onto the local theatre site and booked a concert for October - 'an audience with Lesley Garratt' - and I am contemplating one the following week with Russell Watson.  What's stopping me there is that the tickets are £45!!!  I suspect that's a couple of tenners too far.

The thought of being able to go to a concert or show on a weekday is pretty alien to me right now but I bet I will get used to it fairly quickly.

Anyway, I have stuff to do, so better get on with it.  Have a wonderful day!


  1. The audience with Lesley Garratt sounds wonderful, as does the one with Russell Watson. The prices sound quite reasonable for such well-known people, I would think, but I don't know.... could be a birthday treat! :o)
    Hope you are having a good day.

  2. Have you looked for theatre discounts? There's usually some on offer, especially if you sing up for email news from the theatre. Jx

  3. I do already, Joan. It's just a small local theatre and the tickets will sell out without needing to discount. The prices are good, Sonja, it's just too much for me at £45, I think. I will enjoy the Lesley Garratt one the week before and be glad that I can go.
    J x
