Wednesday 22 April 2015


It's Wednesday already!  Where does the time go?  It will soon be two down, eleven to go.  And this term has two non pupils days - a bank holiday and a report day.  There's only twenty one days left before the half term break.

It's chilly again this morning but I can't see if there's any frost yet.  The last two mornings have had a very light frost just showing on the shed and house roofs.  It's not been all that warm out of the sun either and I reads that there may be a little snow next week.  Now that I can't believe!

Yesterday went OK.  It's a bit of a long slog now until the SATs are over and then after that we can perhaps relax just a little bit.  Afternoon playground duty did go well - it was sunny, we can now use the field, of course, since it dried up properly and the children are happy in the sunshine.

Today, being Wednesday, is my interesting day.  Word workshop, violins, library, English and then PPA for the afternoon.  The day finishes with staff meeting which M and I are leading.  And then the week will nearly be over again:  more than half way over anyway.

And now I must get on with some marking!  Lovely!!!!!

Borrowed from Google and, no, not my sort of marking at all.  I know the marking workload is horrendous but really, how does 'could do better' actually help the child to understand where to improve?


  1. Sounds like you are in for an interesting and fun day, Joy. I don't think there was a frost last night, but it is lovely and fresh this morning. :o)
    Have a lovely day. S. xxx

  2. No, there wasn't, you're right. It's not warm out right now though, sadly.
    J x
