Thursday 2 April 2015


Four days in and I'm starting to have little prickly, panicky feelings.  That's teaching for you - for for me anyway.  I have no idea if other teachers feel that way.

Enough of that!  It feels much milder this morning and, although it is very dull, it is dry.  I think there's space to do some gardening today, long overdue.  In fact, as soon as I've finished breakfast and cleared up, I might pop out and do some.

Beth came round yesterday and we had another pleasant time together.  She worked on an idea for a small quilted hanger thingy while I took control of the pile of ironing and managed to clear the decks.  Unfortunately there's another pile today, that being the nature of washing, but never mind.  As the wind has died down and as long as the rain doesn't fall, I can dry some stuff outside, which is always nice.

Here's what she did.  For someone new to quilting and new to using a sewing machine, I think it is pretty good, don't you?

It looks a bit wobbly because it is on a cushion.  Beth's coming round again today to practise quilting on some scraps before tackling the real thing!  Before she takes over the sewing machine, I want to stitch up another skirt.  Oh, it's all go around here.

Breadline is going well - more info in a previous posting.

Have a super day.


  1. Where do those feelings come from? Is it that the holiday is going too fast and you have lots to do or left over exhaustion from the preceding term? I hope they go soon:)

  2. The former, Sweffling, plus SATs (I've never had a SATs class before - I've been lucky) plus just stuff in the background. Definitely time to retire!
    J x

  3. Lovely quilting, really like the mirroring of the colours!

  4. It works very well, doesn't it?
    J x
