Wednesday 30 January 2013


We were lucky yesterday.  The rain held off and the children got their outdoor PE lesson - and they were all the better for it too!  They came back in glowing and happy after some good exercise, bless them.  I managed to get the letters written, photocopied and distributed regarding the next round of violin exams which are coming up in March, so that was good too.  I taught literacy and maths and thoroughly enjoyed myself.  So it really WAS a good day!

Today I am back to not a lot.  PPA first, literacy after play and then it is our mentor/trainee meeting in the afternoon.  There will be plenty to do today, especially looking at evidence that she is meeting the teaching standards and signing them (as her mentor) to say I agree that this has been done/met.  Three weeks in and we are well into the swing of it all.  Next week will be the last week so this particular meeting today is really important in that we need to look for gaps in her portfolio and ensure that we have activities that will plug those gaps.  She has another placement, of course, a longer one, but I want her to go into her next placement knowing that she's well on the way to QTS.

I'm well pleased this morning.  I have sorted out all the planning for next week, subject to Andrea's approval, of course, planned the basics of phonics for the week, make the thing for the window that tells the parents what we are doing, made the phonic and spelling home sheets for Friday and generally made sure life this evening and tomorrow evening will be more restful.

It feels good!

Re my 'other' blog.  I doubt many go in there now because I haven't used it for ages.  However, if anyone does, this is just to let you know that I will be deleting all the messages and generally giving it a right makeover so if there's anything there you want to keep, now's the time to do it!

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