Monday 5 December 2011


Well, the weekend is over, my friend is now back home, the Witches' Christmas meal is past and the show week begins.  It starts with a dress rehearsal this morning to which all the juniors are invited.  Tomorrow and Wednesday are the show days, Thursday is pantomime day and Friday is Chinese and Chat.   Three of these are evening things so we're all going to be pretty tired afterwards, that's for sure!

Yesterday I had a serious think about Christmas dinner table arrangements and, after considered reflection and getting stuck into some measuring with my reliable B&Q Value Tape Measure, I went into the Gopak site and ordered two quite large fold up tables.  For a while now it's been a bit awkward at family get togethers because my dining table, while fine for just me or even for up to six, is totally inadequate for any more.  Getting another dining table really is not a sensible option.  Gopak seems to be the way to go and what I have ordered, set side by side, should be plenty of space for us all and will be useful for years to come too.  it says delivery in two weeks which is good enough for me.  Just as long as they're here for Christmas, I will be happy.

The summer truly is over now!  When George came last weekend the cosmos was still looking lovely so he deadheaded but that was all.  After two frosts through the week, this Saturday they were brown and wilting and not at all pretty so out they came!  The difference a week makes, eh?  Once they had gone I could see that some of my bulbs are coming up - a bit too early but there's nothing that can be done about it, is there?

Better get going, I suppose.  My hair needs washing and it takes forever to dry!  Have a good day.

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