Tuesday 21 June 2022


 Today's garden happy.

I love lupins.  So pretty and, if you remember to dead head them, they just keep coming.

Good morning.  After a gorgeous day yesterday, we have another gorgeous day expected today although at the moment it is quite cool and very refreshing.  Luvverly!

I started the day off with some garden stuff and now the compost bin has been moved, I have plenty of good compost in pots and an empty (more or less) bin to refill.  I'll post the photos tomorrow.
It took a fair old time but now it's done and I'm glad it's one.

I sorted through a whole load of photos yesterday and found lots of family stuff, of course, including this - Mum and Dad on their wedding day.  Typical of the time and how lovely.

Circuits was good, as usual.  Afterwards, I had planned to go for a swim but, when it came to it, I was so weary I didn't go.  I came home, did some housework and continued sorting out photos.  There were also some cardboard filing cases packed with visitors' booklets of various places around the UK - posh ones of Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace, slightly less posh ones of places like Chatsworth and Beauleigh, and so on.  I went through them but have kept most of them for more detailed reading; they look interesting.

The weariness continued; I was hoping to watch the new Back In Time series which started last night, but by half past seven I was losing the fight to stay awake so I went to bed and didn't wake again until past six this morning.  I've recorded the programme so can catch up later.

Today is more of the same really.  Bit of garden, bit of housework, Groove aerobics . . . that sort of thing.  One different thing - Sharon is round to sort out my hair, bless her.
What I really need to start doing is sorting through some of my clothes.  What with the weather being up and dawn and ditto for my weight, everything's got rather muddled up and needs re-sorting.  There's very little, if anything, to discard but it's all in a right old muddle.  
As I didn't go swimming yesterday, I'm rather hoping to go this afternoon although it seems a shame to mess up my newly done hair.  Oh, well, a bit of a blo-dry and an iron will get it back to shape again, I am sure.

I've already done the watering and nipped out some side shoots.  They are so easy to miss unless you look for them and then, suddenly, you find half your plants have two fruiting stems rather than just the one!

Hopefully, you are having the same fine weather as we are here.  Have a wonderful day and stay safe - there's still a lot of Covid around.  xx


  1. Back in time was really good last night. Well worth watching. Maybe you need to have a bit of a rest as you are sounding very tired Joy. Take it easy for a day or two.

    1. Thanks, Cherie. I was tired but I'm feeling so much brighter this morning which feels good. I'll see how it goes today and decide on swim or not later on. I*'d really like to though. xx

  2. I may have missed a post about it -have you still got your allotment ???

    1. Beth and I are discussing its future at the moment. Probably we will be giving it up soon - I'm just not sure. xx

    2. your garden is flourishing and seems to be able to provide a good 'harvest'!

    3. Small, but very nice, all the same. Thanks, Jane. xx

  3. Beautiful photo…gorgeous…date?…what is your dad holding? I love this…

    1. A wooden spoon wrapped up in a dishcloth! I like it!!
      Apparently, it was the done thing at that time. xx

    2. My comment showed up as anonymous again this is Brenda in Florida…a wooden spoon…awww…what is the date of their wedding? 1940’s?. I love this bit of history…okay so might have to research the wooden spoon…

    3. It was January 1948, Brenda. xx

  4. I love your lupins. Sadly they don't seem to do too well in my garden so am having to go without.

    It's a lovely photo of your parents. Will you share all the photos between the three of you or create a photo book of the entire collection so you all have a copy of everything?

    1. I'm not sure. There's an awful lot that I've thrown out - just views of anonymous places. John has a lot of the much older ones and the ones of our childhoods. I'd like a few of them anyway. xx

  5. What a beautiful pink that Lupin is, so pretty.
    I love the wedding photos of your mum and dad. They look so happy.

    1. I'm sure they had their ups and downs but it was a good marriage, right to the end. xx

  6. The photo of your parents is wonderful.

    1. Thanks, Marjorie. I think it's lovely. xx

  7. Lupins are just so beautiful aren't they, and that photo of your Mum and Dad is even more beautiful. I was wondering what your Dad was holding but then I saw your answer above, how unusual ... but very practical :-)

    1. I've just found your comments in Spam - pesky Blogger. I'm glad I'm checking now. Thanks again to Sue C for her blog about it.
      Maybe it was unusual - I thought it was fairly common at the time, one of those fashion things, but perhaps not. Anyway, it was right - Dad never shirked from playing his part in household tasks and Mum did her share of the more 'manly' things too. It was more what each could do, rather than should do. Great role models. xx

    2. Rather weirdly I usually find yours in Spam too ... I think Blogger has something against us!

    3. Very strange. At least we are now looking.

  8. Love the lupines - such pretty flowers. The photo of your Mum and Dad is lovely. I brought back lots of photos with me of Mum but I haven't managed to bring myself to go through them. It is still so painful. It will have been eleven months tomorrow, but it still feels like yesterday.

    1. It's tricky, I agree. John has a lot of the real family ones. It's been a year since Dad passed away and three since Mum.
      Still - has to be done and I think I got the longer straw in that most of what I brought home are duplicates or uninformative views. xx

  9. I think I just might have to look for lupines next year to plant. Good to know they keep blooming.

    God bless.

    1. I love a lupin bed - masses and masses of them, all the colours of the rainbow. Unfortunately, so do the slugs and snails, pesky things!

  10. The wedding picture is lovely, very similar in style to my mum and dads wedding picture. My parents wedding was 1954. A few years later but very much in the same style. Beautiful !

    1. It's lovely, isn't it? Delightful. xx
