Thursday 9 June 2022


 Good morning.  As hoped, the weather picked up a bit yesterday morning, it turned warm and we even had a fair bit of sunshine, which was nice.  Today has started off really well with more sun and it's nice and mild.  Long may it continue!

After resisting picking in dribs and drabs, I picked these yesterday.  Not a huge number but there are more to come.

I cleaned them up, picked them over and they are lovely!

Lathcoats will soon be open for strawberry picking and, hopefully, this year you can just turn up, you don't have to book.  Goodness knows, even when it is crowded, there's still plenty of space there and one can park in the garden centre over the road which is handy!

Earlier this year, I thought my lavender was dead - it looked dead and there was no new growth - so I bought another one (the one on the right in this photo).  Then Chris gave me one for my birthday.  Two for one, nice.  And then the 'dead' one started sending out growth and is now looking fit and healthy with loads of flower stems.  Guess who will be harvesting lavender heads in due course.  It's my favourite scent so I'm so pleased.
The columnar Braeburn tree has exactly six healthy looking apples in it's first year.  No complaints.
The Flamenco has more but they are smaller and a lot of blossom was damaged by a late frost so it's a bit of a mess really.  I will wait for a few weeks and go over it, removing all the dead blossom that hasn't dropped off by then.

Sadly, I don't think the fig survived the heavy frost.  It looked as if it was sensing out new growth again but nothing has come of it.  It was supposed to be hardy but there you go.  I'll give it until next spring and see .
Val gave me these bedding plants, again for my birthday.  I planted them out a couple of weeks ago (bad me) and they're doing nicely and should make a pretty sight over the summer.  The fuchsia can stay there ling term and I can surround it with new bedding flowers each year.  Nice.

I've been pondering why such a comparative lack of interest in the garden this year and it's taken me a long while to realise that it's because Dad and I used to talk a lot about it.  I sent him photos and he sent me advice and tips, being a very keen gardener all his life.  Every time I do something out there I think 'must tell Dad' and then remember I can't.  
I'm not having a pity party here, just saying really.  
It's been nearly a year since he passed away and, purely by coincidence, there's a special service in Letchworth on the actual day to remember and give thanks for church members whose families were not able to hold thanksgiving, memorial or celebratory service for as they would normally wish to do.  I will be representing the family there.
Then, in the following week, we hope to complete on the purchase of Dad's house.  It's all happening very quickly now.

I enjoyed yesterday.  No, I didn't get to the garden centre; that's still on the list.  I did get to personal training, of course.  It's the first in a new block - Lindsey plans in blocks of five and at the end of each block we talk about next steps and The Way Forward.  She has started me on a bit of running, at my request.  I don't like running, it jars me, but I know it would be good for my fitness and, providing I am mindful and careful, good for my ankles and calves.  I dug out my running shoes and took them along.
Noting my shocked reaction to her suggesting that we take to the streets (no way, not yet anyway), I did five minutes going round and round her garden, feeling a bit of a prune but things can only get better and the good news is that my legs and ankles coped fine.
No - I won't be doing any sponsored marathons in the foreseeable future - I I get to the point where I can even consider Parkrun, I will be extremely pleased!  I can't see that happening though.

Today I have the first chat with Chris for many a week, what with holidays and so on.  We'll have loads to talk about and I'm really looking forward to it.
Then, after breakfast, I really like the idea of a swim so I'll pop off into town.  I'll see how long it takes me to swim five lengths (if I remember) which will be helpful for next month!  I haven't got a fitbit or whatever to measure so counting will keep me focused.

Then it will be home for the usual clean and tidy housework and I need to catch up on Sewing Bee - I fell asleep before it started last night!

Have a really happy day, everyone, and fingers crossed the sun stays around.  Stay safe.  xx


  1. It must be a strange year for lavender because mine did exactly the same. I really thought that two of last years plants had died, but they have just thrown off lots of new growth so there is hope after all. And yes Alan's Fig is really struggling this year, some lovely new leaves but all the tiny fruits are now withering. The plants are as confused by the weather as us it would seem.

    1. Chris' fig has done the same after being hit by the frost. I'm not writing mine off yet - it's only in its second year - but it doesn't look terribly positive at the moment.
      Time will tell, I guess. xx

  2. I can never keep track of how many lengths I've swum! My mind drifts of somewhere else!

    1. Me too - which is partly the point of swimming. A time to just mentally wander. I will have to work at being focused. xx

  3. The garden looks lovely - I feel the same about my Mum and myself - still sometimes think Oh I must tell Mum that - and she's been dead 8 years now just pulls you up short occasionally .

  4. So there's no point looking out for you in the London Marathon next year?

    1. Well - you could look if you really wanted to but it would be an awful waste of time. lol xx

  5. Lavender is one of my favourite scents as well, but I really have no luck harvesting it. I hope you have lots.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you. What I do is tie the heads in muslin and pop it in the airing cupboard. It makes all my towels smell nice too. xx

  6. I thought my lavender had died last year, but since cutting it right back it is showing signs of new growth :)
    I think I understand why you feel less interested in your garden. It will be the same reason I didn't make any marmalade this year. Sending hugs. Xx

    1. That's good - I hate killing a plant, something I do far too regularly for my liking!
      Thank you for your understanding - and yes, I know what you mean. xx
