Saturday 18 June 2022


 Today's garden happy:

I have babies!  However, I can take no credit for them - they were there when I got the plants from Julia.  They just haven't dropped off.
Note to self - start feeding the plants with babies.

Good morning.  It really was a very, very hot day yesterday and the night started off pretty hot too  Thankfully, today looks like being much more moderate and tomorrow might not reach 20 - and we'll all be complaining that it's too cold!!  
According to the Beeb, that is.

SW was rather lethargic!  The hall was OK, not all that hot first thing although I bet it warmed up later.  I got my swim in the afternoon and it was absolutely lovely, cool and refreshing.  Then, in the evening, I did myself a mini-barbecue and by then the fierce heat had gone, the garden was shady and it was a very happy experience.

Poor old John and Gina travelled down from Scotland yesterday and said it was pretty uncomfortable, even with the air con in the van.  I'm going up to Dad's to meet them there and we will finish the clearing as we are now very, very close to exchanging on the house so we need to do a final clearing.  D and K, the people buying the house, want us to leave quite a lot for them which has made our job a lot easier, and they are coming round later in the afternoon to let us know if there's anything else they want us to remove.  Other than that, there's an awful lot of photos to look through and sort out which isn't going to be happy but it has to be done.
First thing, though, before I leave for Letchworth, I have sungolds to pot on.  I wasn't expecting the collars until Tuesday but they arrived yesterday.  Cheers.

I don't have any exercise planned for today but I guess I will get plenty, all the same.
And that's today.  What do you have planned?  Whatever it is, have a good one and be happy.  xx


  1. I hope today runs smoothly and you are able to finish clearing your Dad's house. xx

    1. It did and we did, thanks, Eileen. xx

  2. JOY!!!!!!!!!! Don't feed plants with babies. Use plant food :-)

  3. Waiting on a replacement washing machine, mine was written off on Wednesday night! Bearings gone and the spin cycle sounds like an airplane just about to take off! Count myself very lucky to find the one I wanted in stock and delivered today, even so it meant an early start as delivery anytime between 7.00 am - 5 pm with a half hour call beforehand! Their timed delivery slots are chock-a-bloc full for over two weeks so I'm grateful to be fitted in this quickly.

    1. By now it should be in and working. I agree, you were very fortunate. xx

  4. That's great that they want a lot of what is in the house. The lady who sold me my mountain cabin left almost everything. I love and use it all.

    1. It's been such a help to us. In this situation, much of the stuff would have been just thrown out and that would have been such a shame. xx

  5. It's good when the buyers want some of the things in the house. The person buying Jane's house wants all the bookcases left and the remaining bed so that makes life a little easier!
