Friday 22 January 2016


Good morning, everyone.  It's Friday again - they seem to come around so quickly nowadays.

It's going to be a quiet day - Sharon (hairdresser) is coming at ten thirty so Beth and I should look a little more civilised again for a while.  I'm hoping Beth stays for lunch afterwards.  Apart from that, there's nothing else planned.

It's probably just as well because the forecast is dire with heavy rain all morning and half way through the afternoon.  Given that I woke at stupid o'clock, I suspect that I will be under the fleece and a-snoozing by the time the rain ceases.

I made a delicious curried sweet potato and lentil soup for lunch yesterday which I think I will share over on the recipe blog.  The toasties were OK - well, delicious, really - although the outside wasn't as crisp as I would have liked.  I don't think I filled it enough so the top was too flat.  I did enjoy it though, it was scrummy.

B:  toast, fruit
L:  I think toasty again as Beth said she wanted some.
D:  The rest of the soup and maybe an Uncle Ben Thai curry thing.  Not my usual, I know, but a friend asked would I use it up so I am.   If the soup fills me up, I can have the curry tomorrow.


  1. Happy Friday Joy! It's squally out there. I really don't want to go to work today!

  2. :-( It's just dull and gloomy here at the moment. Not nice but there's no rain - yet.
    Hope your day goes well.

    J x
