Sunday 1 September 2013


Half past five, more or less, and it's still dark.  No idea what the weather is like but the forecast is good.  I opened the french window to air the house as I have done all summer and hurriedly closed it again - just a bit nippy and I have no desire to start the heating going.

As always, very boringly, yesterday was lovely.  Great weather, not too hot, lovely sunshine, loadsa ripe tomatoes, October's Good Food magazine in Morrison's so, of course, I bought it (I love that mag, it's a great read), and then out to dinner in the evening.  Perfect.

I read that one can boil eggs in a halogen oven so I had a go but never again.  The timing is too inaccurate.  I'll stick to Thermione where it always works perfectly.  It wasn't a wasted egg but she does it better.
I had half a lump of pasta left over from the previous day so I made another batch and used it to make six single portions of lasagne for the freezer in foil dishes.  There was still some pasta left so I cut it into long strips, tagliatelle style, and must remember to use it up in the next  few days.

Today - very last day of the summer break - has the usual Sunday visit from Beth and Alex and I am doing a vegetable tortilla with salad for me and Beth and Alex can have a pork burger with his salad.  It is now store-cupboard fortnight so, of course, we will eat like kings (and queens).

Tomorrow normality returns!  Ho hum!


  1. Hope you enjoy meeting and working with your news littlies. Jx

  2. Thanks, Joan. I'm looking forward to it but with that frisson of trepidation that I get every year. I'll feel better by the end of the week.

    J x
