Thursday 12 September 2013


Things are getting very hectic around here. I suppose that's inevitable when you have to deliver a target/objective led curriculum rather than a child-need centred curriculum but I'm taking a long, hard look at what I am demanding from my children and I'm going to make sure they have enough time to just be them pure and simple.  This is the difficult time, when some are more than ready to move on into more academic 'work' while many others still need a play centred day.  You can never please everyone!!

The weather remains dull and dismal although yesterday was mostly dry and I gather today will be similar while rain is forecast for tomorrow.  My tomatoes aren't liking the lack of sun though and neither are the runner beans.  I have one morning and two or three afternoon playtime duties each week but I've only done one so far.  What a change from August!  It makes me wonder what the winter will be like this year.

Well, it's nearly six and I need to take a good look at next week's planning unless I want it to be hanging over me at the weekend.  But first I think another coffee is needed!


  1. Yes, it must be very difficult to cater for everyone in a classroom, but I am sure you will find the best way for them all - they are very lucky children to have you as a teacher, that's for sure.
    I am sure the sun will return and have a good day! :o)

  2. Hi! Thanks for the kind words but the older I get the more I realise! :-)

    J x
