Monday 11 March 2013


Yes, we had snow - very wet, yucky snow/sleet nearly all morning.  It stopped in the afternoon but remained cloudy and the temperature dropped.  We've had a bit of snow overnight; not very much but I wonder if there is more to come.  Who would think it's the middle of March, eh?  The Ides of March approaches - we are told to beware, aren't we?

I had fun yesterday.  I made pizza with a dough and a sauce made in Thermione followed by plums and custard, the custard also made in T.  It was delicious but it didn't thicken much.  I need to investigate!  A delicious dinner though.

I worked my way through until all the reports were finished, checked and printed off.  Phew . . .  Looking around the living room, it's a right mess now and I need to do a rapid clear-out before I go off for the inter-school conference.  It's local, thank goodness, at Melbourne Stadium and, if my memory is correct, it's about being an outstanding teacher.  See - it's perfectly possible and all you need is one day listening to someone talking about it!!!  And if you believe that . . .

Better start on the tidying up, I suppose!

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