Sunday 10 March 2013


It's bitterly cold outside with a really icy 'smell' in the air - no snow though, although I gather other parts of the country have had some.  It looks as if it's rained a fair bit here but, hopefully, it's not cold enough to create driving problems.

The reports are swinging along, despite all the distractions yesterday.  They're not too complicated which helps.

And now I must continue - I just wanted to come in and say 'hi'!   Have a good day.


  1. Snow overnight here, and more snow and hail this morning:( The poor birds!

  2. We had some sleet later on - quite a lot, in fact, but nothing has settled. It's very cold though.
    J x

  3. Happy RWT (Report Writing Time!)

    No snow or sleet here yet but threatened overnight and throughout the day tomorrow. So went shopping today and so glad I don't have to worry about going to work anymore, yay! Turned blooming cold though ...

  4. They're all done - YAY!!!!!!!
    It's extremely cold here right now too.

    J x

  5. Great that the reports are all done - well done you, that must be a relief! :o)
    No snow here in Hampshire that I can see so far, but it is very, very cold - hope the daffodils will survive!
    Have a good day, Joy, and everyone. S. xxx

  6. Daffodils are tough! :-)
    J x
