Thursday 28 March 2013


Last day of the term!  One more day, that's all.  A somewhat easy going, doing-not-a-lot day, filled with games and toys and an Easter concert, a visit overnight from the Easter bunny and a good tidy up of the bay.  So why did I wake just after three this morning, ready to start the day.  I have no idea but I guess I will be extremely tired by three-fifteen and unwilling to remain in school for very long.

We've had a project this week.  A 'make-an-open-box-for-a-creme-egg' project  starting with 'what is an open box?', 'how many faces does an open box have?' and 'how many squares will an open box need?' (not the same thing at all!). meandering through nets, diverted temporarily by the fascination of pentominoes (yes, collectively we found them all and discovered that some weren't nets, shock, horror) before starting the home straight of making the net, working out where the tabs should go, cutting out, folding, decorating, sticking and ramming in some tissue paper to let the Easter bunny know that the box was ready for filling!  No wonder we're tired.  And no, they don't 'believe in' the Easter bunny but we all agree that it makes the whole thing a lot more fun!

The worst scenario now is that I forget to take in the creme eggs I so frugally bought last week when they were on very special at £1.50 for a box of six - far better value than the box of twelve that cost £4.99.  They were such good value that I bought extra (or do I mean eggstra) to hand around to colleagues, mummy and daddy helpers, etc.

 I'm beginning to feel Thermione-ish again.  With two gloriously free weeks ahead of me, I can do a lot of learning.  I can try recipes, work out some new ones, maybe, and generally have some fun.  Alex is coming to stay for a few days at the start of next week and I think that I will be teaching him how to make my basic savoury mince, which is not as basic as it could be but it's a useful thing to be able to make because then he can make all sorts of other meals with it as a basis.  Should be fun!  And I can cook and cook and feed because, like all teenage lads, he has an appetite the size of an elephant and likes home cooked food.  What more could a devoted nan ask ?

Normally I would now post and then rush around getting stuff ready.  I'm always much too tired in the evenings but quite with it at this time of day.  However, today there's nothing to get ready.  No resources, no lessons to look at, no assessment sheets to make.  Nothing!   Perhaps I should tidy the kitchen!

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