Monday 7 February 2022


 Morning, everyone.  So another week starts and it's really feeling rather cold this morning, in contrast to yesterday which stayed pretty mild.  The lashing rain stopped mid morning and we had some more sunshine before it clouded over again.  I have no idea if the rain reappeared - I'd drawn the curtains by then.
Beeb says that the temperature will rise pretty quickly this morning and that we should enjoy some more sunshine.  Lovely!

I had a nice, lazy, snuggly sort of day yesterday.  The washing all got finished off, dried and pretty much all ironed apart from just a few items that needed to dry a bit more.  It's all hanging around in the living room at present so pretty much top of the list is getting it all upstairs and put away.

I went onto the Hotter site after receiving a sale email without any great expectations as usually my size has all gone but I got lucky in the trainers I really like so went slightly bonkers and bought two pairs in different colours, one of which was black and which I have been umming and ahing about getting for ages.  Black trainers are very useful!
They were half price; still not cheap but then Hotter shoes last for ever, fit me like a glove and are just so, so comfortable.  At my age it's comfort over trend, any day of the week, and trainers are acceptable footwear in plenty of situations nowadays.
Let's see if Google will let me post a picture from the site.

Yes!  No Google Grumbles this time.

Apart from that, it was definitely a 'day of rest' and very pleasant it was too.

Today I will have to wake up a bit as there are two definites in the diary.  The first is circuits with Lindsey and the other is tuition.  I'm starting to count down the tuition sessions now as they will stop in May, once the KS2 SATs are over - I had the older sibling and it was the same then.  By the time you take out Easter and half term, I think it is a maximum of ten more sessions.  Then it will be the end of another era - the very last contact I will have with teaching.  Do I feel sad about it?  No, not really.  We move on from season to season, don't we?
I will miss the student though.

Apart from that, the immediate priority is dealing with the weekend clutter, clean, ironed clothes and other.  After that, I will make a list of the week's tasks, I think.

In the comments, someone was asking about the allotment.  
After taking on board what people said and also something I read elsewhere, I will start on the allotment in March, after I get back from Potters.  I left a lot of stuff to just die back and it will possibly be sheltering little creatures from the cold at present.  March is quite early enough.
Thinking of the allotment, I have remembered that there are (were) a few potato plants that never got dug up.  I wonder if they are still usable or whether they have rotted in the ground.  Anyone know - Sue?  Cherie?

Anyway, I have stopped feeling guilty about the mess there, knowing that I have a date to start.

Well, enough rambling on.  It's nearly eight and I have work to do!  Thank you all so much for the comments you make, they are very much enjoyed and appreciated.
Have a good start to the week, stay warm and be safe and well, and, as dear old Dave Allen used to say, may your God go with you. xx


  1. I'm another Hotter fan, and yes definitely comfort over everything else these days. I used to smile when I saw very elderly ladies wearing the latest comfy multi-coloured trainers with their crimplene skirts and pac-a-macs, now we are lucky that trainer styles have improved and we can all get away with it. Not that we are elderly AT ALL :-)

    You will most likely find that any potatoes you didn't dig up will grow into new plants but the potatoes themselves will not be good for eating now so you may as well leave them there. As long as this is the first year they have been left you will probably get some decent plants, just thin them out keeping the best if there are a few that come up. But I would say definitely do not grow any potatoes in that bed next year or the year after.

    1. Thank you very much. We rotate the spuds anyway so they wouldn't be back there for maybe four years. I'll see what comes up.

    2. And no - we are NOT elderly - that is at last fifteen years in the future, maybe longer!

  2. Morning Joy.
    Hotter shoes are fantastic for comfort and there definitely comes a time when comfort beats anything else. I wear trainers all the time and your new ones look great.
    I have only started a few things so far under glass- the chilli and parsley. I might start a few broad beans in pots this week. Have a lovely day x

    1. Hotters are great, aren't they? Well worth the cost.

  3. I'm another Hotter shoes fan, and also with you on the comfort first approach. I always said that I'd never be one of those women who wear trainers with a skirt but with the modern styles it's much easier to get away with 'the look'.

    I'm glad you feel at ease with your end of teaching fast approaching. I was the same as you by the end ... it was the children I missed, not the actual teaching part!

    1. I agree, it is a lot easier, one way and another. There's things I won't wear but because I don't feel comfortble, not because I can't - if that makes sense.

  4. Those spuds should be just fine unless the slugs have got them. I'm digging up orphan spuds all over the place. This video is worth a watch

  5. I haven't heard of those shoes. My go-to shoes are Skechers. They are the only kind I can wear since I messed up my ankle though in the winter I wear my hiking boots most of the time. I need something that won't slip and slide on the ice and snow.

    Hope the weather cheers up. I hate those days when it's dark mid-afternoon. I end up drawing the curtains just so I don't have to watch the rain/snow anymore!

    1. Your weather is so very different. Not gloating (honest) but it's still quite light here at five o'clock each evening and the mornings are also getting lighter earlier.
      I'm not sure how well my Hotter walking boots would cope with the level of ice and snow you get; I've not had the chance to test them. they've certainly got rugged soles.
      We used to get Skechers over here but I don't know of we still do - yes we do, I've just Googled. I must have a good look through the site. The prices seem comparable with Hotters and there's a wide range. Thanks.
