Monday 28 February 2022


 Good morning, everyone.  I'm making this pretty short because I'm a bit pushed for time as I need to leave here for Hyde Hall at not later than 9:15, preferable sooner, and there's plenty to do before then.

Yesterday was a gorgeous day, both in terms of weather and also in terms of just being really lovely.  I didn't get any kitchen sorting done but that's OK, there's always another day.

Beth and Al came over, we had lunch and then Alex toddled off while Beth and I had girly fun with nail varnish and a good old natter.

The early evening sky was so clear and next door's tree looked lovely against it so I tried to take a photo.  I love that tree and do hope the new neighbours won't decide to have it down.  It provides shade in summer and shape in winter.

So, today I'm off to Hyde Hall for a course - hand stitched applique, something I know almost nothing about.  It says it's for complete beginners so fingers crossed that it's not over my head.  It's always nice to go to Hyde Hall anyway.

When I get back, I can reflect and ponder over the day's events as tuition is tomorrow this week, not today.

Have a great day, whatever your plans are.  xx


  1. I've always liked seeing trees, especially bare of leaves, silhouetted against the sky. Have a lovely time at Hyde Hall. xx

    1. Thanks, Sooze. I have remembered not only my camera this time but also my thimble!

  2. Have a good day.
    It would be a tragedy if the tree is cut down

    1. It would, wouldn't it? It's so pretty in the summer and, as it's a birch, it's never really still. I think 'trembling' is the term.

  3. Have a wonderful day. I could benefit from this type of course as my applique sewing skills are not the best by far :-) Look forward to hearing how you got on. Enjoy! Amanda x

  4. Hope you have a great day. xx

  5. Hope you enjoy your course, and a quick look round the gardens? I am wishing mine to grow, its been very hard moving from a lush beautiful garden to this expanse of just weedy grass.

    1. It was cold and damp and I came straight home. I'll go again once the sun decides to join us again (so not today - Tuesday)

  6. I hope you enjoyed the course and will treat us to some photos tomorrow. xx

    1. I'll show the applique but I didn't stay - the weather wasn't great and I will go again soon.

  7. Lovely tree. I was going to wish you a lovely time, but I know now you enjoyed it as I've already read that post. Sigh. I need to keep up!

    1. < grin > No problem - I really appreciate that you read and comment, thank you.
