Tuesday 8 February 2022

Tuesday and a few garden photos

 Good morning.  Yesterday was yet another beautifully sunny day.  Wes, we had a frost but the temperature rose very quickly and was pretty much in double figures by the end of the morning.  This morning, there is no frost and we have the most beautiful sunrise.

The forecast is good too - sunshine and temperatures in the teens.  Excellent.

Circuits yesterday was, as usual, really good and great fun.  We seem to have gelled as a group and there's a lot of chattering as we work.

At the end of tuition, I had a chat to the mum who confirmed that sessions will end when the SAT's start so pretty much middle of May.  That's fine, it's what I expected and it means the Southwold holiday won't mean a cancelled session.  It's nice when things work out well.

As the sun was shining so nicely yesterday, I took a few garden photos - some of them could be called 'spot the shoots'.  It's very nice to see this year's green-ness emerging . . .

. . . and to see some colour.

OK, so that last came from Sainsbury's but there's plenty of buds in the garden.

Today I'm doing a small early morning shop and the rest of the day is quite clear.  Maybe I will take a trip somewhere - Hyde Hall again, maybe.  The camera is behaving perfectly again after I changed the battery so I should get a few more photos and it should be less cold too.  Yes, I might do that - I need some fresh air.

Have a lovely day, whatever your plans.  xx


  1. Oh, don't you just love Spring flowers? They're so cheering after the dullness of winter. I think we'll go to the nature reserve this morning....there's no sun here, it's forecast to be cloudy but mild all day, but we all need a good walk. Have a nice time yourself, Joy xx

    1. I do - they bring colour and hope back into our world again.
      Have a lovely time at the nature reserve.

  2. Lovely photos Joy is amazing what is just peeping through in the garden and spring is definitely on the way.

    1. It lifts the heart and cheers the spirits, doesn't it?

  3. Dry but overcast here in Scotland but it means we will get out into the garden. I just love the game of spotting the shoots at this time of year - not everything is shooting and I have to bear in mind not to accidentally walk over anything that might still be hidden. Have a good day out. x

    1. I don't have enough garden for that to be a problem but what a nice one to have!!

  4. Lovely sunrise photo!

    Hope you have a lovely time if you do go to Hyde Hall, and also that the camera behaves itself! xx

  5. It really is lovely to see signs of Spring appearing isn't it. And at first light each day the birds are singing their little hearts out, it's beautiful. Hope you have a good day out.

    1. It really is beautiful, I agree. Full of hope.

  6. I love Spring season. Of course it's not very different from other seasons here in Florida, other than a bit cooler temperatures.

    Have a wonderful week, Joy!

    1. I would imagine cooler is a Very Good Thing. It sounds pleasant. xx

  7. So lucky to have spring arriving. We still are covered in snow and ice.

    God bless.

    1. Very little ice and no snow for us this winter (so far).

  8. Wow that is a beautiful sky! Flowers! Wow.
