Monday 14 February 2022

Monday, 14-02-22

 Good morning, everyone.  It's gloomy and wet but I have no idea if it's cold or not as I haven't been outside yet.  We had plenty of rain yesterday afternoon; the morning sun didn't last very long.

As everyone knows, it being hard to miss, it is St Valentine's Day.  To be honest, it doesn't mean an awful lot but I will be theming my meals a very little bit (heart shaped pasta from the SW raffle, anyone???) and using my molto cheapo (Wilko) heart shaped china when possible.

More significantly, I think, we are half way through February today.  Did even a month pass so quickly?  I can't believe how speedily time is passing at the moment.  A couple of blinks and it will be March and Spring will be just around the corner!  Is anyone else finding that time is flying this month?

The weather yesterday was not conducive to going out so I didn't; I stayed at home and did homey things.  I'm feeling a counted cross stitch phase coming on so I dug out my folder and found the owl Christmas project I did over a year ago . . .

(remember it)

. . . which I searched for before Christmas and couldn't find, much to my dismay.

Anyway, I was working on another - a different style with a shop window, a sledge and a bike in the snow.  So I've dug that out and yesterday I finished the actual cross stitchery and started the outlining which is going to take absolutely ages!

There's another project in the folder, a stack of vintage teacups, but I'm not starting that until I've finished the current one.  Then I'm taking that, and the owls, down to my newly discovered picture framing place and next Christmas I can hang them on the wall using the removable hooks that don't mark the wall at all.

I looked in the washing basket but there wasn't really enough to warrant doing a load of either whites or coloureds so that can wait for a few days.

And I sorted out a few internetty-finance things.  I'm glad to get them done.

Today is also half term!  As I said, how???
So I'm off to my student's at half eight.  It suits all of us to get it done early morning so the rest of the day is free.  When I've done that, I will come home and do Monday home stuff.  For a start, my kitchen knives need a sharpen and my bed linen needs changing so then I will have a load of washing to get on with.
Later on, it's circuits at Lindsey's and then I will chill, I think, and get on with the back stitching.  I have Throw Down to catch up with too.

So that's my day.  Nothing very exciting but not dull either.  How about you - do you have some nice plans, either for St Valentine's Day or just because it is Monday?
Stay safe, warm, dry and happy.  xx


  1. Icy cold wind yesterday and doesn't look any warmer today.
    Very odd that it's half term in Essex and Norfolk but not until next week in Suffolk
    Have a good day

    1. Very. Different LEAs do their own thing, don't they?

  2. Your half term is a week earlier than ours in Yorkshire. Monday is a good day for me to do the housework and get set for the week ahead - this week of course we are still at the caravan so I will be giving it a good clean before we depar tomorrow.x

    1. It seems ahead of a lot of places, I think.

  3. Oh no Joy... now I want heart shaped china... I love nice china and shall covet yours cos I'm only having necessary spends for the foreseeable future. I totally agree that time is flying past. Where does it go and does it get even faster as we grow older?

    1. Wilkos, plain white, dirt cheap and rather clunky but it's a nice shape. :-)
      Time definitely flies away faster the older we get. Just like the second half of a holiday going faster than the first half. Timey wimey stuff.

  4. Half term is next week for us in Birmingham. Strange how different parts of the country have different weeks for school holidays.
    I love your xst owls and am enjoying a little xst work myself, nothing big but just enough to keep me happy.
    Enjoy your week x

    1. That's the most important thing, isn't it? We have hobbies because they make us happy, one way or another.

  5. You're a week ahead of us for half term. The kids are still in school until Friday and then off the next week.

    Enjoy your counted cross stitching and I look forward to seeing the completed projects xx

    1. I am enjoying it, thanks. It's keeping my fingers occupied and I find it very satisfying!

  6. Sounds like you have a nice day planned, Joy. The hubby and I had a nice lunch out for Valentine's Day and I worked in the handbell room at our church for awhile. That's about it. Pleasant day.

  7. We don't usually do Valentine's Day. We spent the weekend away though so that was good. I think we both need a rest now lol

    1. I never did really but it's nice to theme things a little bit.

  8. Why is it the outline, backstitching seems to take so much longer than the cross stitch itself?

    Love the owls.

    God bless.

    1. Goodness knows - but it does, it's rather tedious too. But what a difference it can make!

  9. I'm quite glad this month is flying by - roll on spring! X
