Thursday 17 February 2022


 Good morning, everyone.  After a quiet start yesterday, it became gusty and then really rather too windy.  Today looks like the lull between two storms, sunny and with a gentle breeze, with tomorrow looking even nastier.  I do hope all of you are OK and have not suffered any damage - as far as I can tell, we are fine here.

I'm so glad I put the washing out on the line yesterday.  It might not have been sunny but the wind was perfect for drying everything quickly and everything smelled lovely when I ironed it.  I did a last load overnight and that's now blowing gently in the early sunshine.  Nice.

As I rather feared, I ran out of thread for the back stitching and, despite having loads of different threads upstairs, did I have a dark charcoal grey sort of colour?  No, I did not.  Bother.  Oh, well, there's nothing for it but to venture to Hobbycraft this morning.  Oh, the hardship!

Actually, it works quite well - I only have a small shopping list this week and I can stop off at one of the three Aldis we have in town on the way to Hobbycraft and get everything done in one journey. 

Personal training was really good this week.  Lindsey always manages to find something to challenge and extend without making it too hard to manage.  She's really very good.

Today, usually, I have coffee and chat with Chris but not this week as she can't make it.  All the more time to wander around Hobbycraft in that case.  Then I must get some serious clearing up done; somehow, the place is an absolute tip.

On a more serious note, thank you very much to everyone who commented in yesterday's second post about Diane.  So very kind and sympathetic of you all and much appreciated.  I still can't quite believe it.

Thank you, lovely people.  xx


  1. After yesterday's howling winds it's very sunny with bright blue sky and hardly any wind - doesn't seem possible! The garden seems to have escaped unscathed, but I doubt it will tomorrow. We shall be staying in and hoping for the best tomorrow. Make the most of today, Joy, and stay safe at home tomorrow if you can. xx

    1. I'll see how it all goes. It's our SW meeting, of course, but I won't go if it is at all dangerous.
      I'm glad you are all OK thus far. xx

  2. The wind wasn't as bad as we had been expecting although it was certainly blowy through the night. It would be a great drying day today if the spitty showers would clear off. Neither rain nor drizzle but spitty. Enjoy that wander around Hobbycraft. I bet you buy more than just thread.

    1. You'd lose! :-)
      I did look but there wasn't anything that caught my interest. I got the thread though so I'm very happy. Now I can finish the project.

  3. Seems calm and bright here in West Yorkshire - of course it is bin day today so no-one dared to put the bins out last night.x

    1. Having been out, it is pretty blowy but very pleasant. However, I am NOT looking forward to tomorrow, not at all!

  4. It's bright and sunny here at present, though the wind kept me awake most of the night. The house took a bit of a battering but no damage thankfully.

    What else did you buy in Hobbycraft? xx

    1. I didn't. See the halo? :-)

    2. I'm so glad we don't have a Hobbycraft or anything similar near us, it's saving me from massive temptation.

    3. It's terribly tempting at times. Maybe it was just me but there didn't seem to be all that much this time really. I mean, it was full but nothing that called out to me. However, given that they had the thread I needed, no complaining.

  5. So glad that shops like Hobbycraft, Michaels or any other crafting shop is far away. I try and stock up on everything I might need over two big shops a year. Tough but it keeps my hobby stock buying in check.

    I do hate running out of a thread colour though.

    God bless.

    1. It was annoying. One more length would have been enough and I do try to be economical with my threads - not long ends wasted and so on. Never mind, all done now.

  6. Isn't that always the way with the floss? You can find every colour but. I hope you can get it tomorrow.

    1. I did, thanks, Sharon. It took me a while to find it, there were so many on the shelf, but in the end, there it was. Phew.

  7. It was a bit gusty here yesterday, but not too bad, considering.
    Stay safe! X

    1. Hopefully you have escaped the worst of today. xx
