Saturday 27 May 2017


A lovely, quiet day yesterday.  A bit of allotmenteering but not too much as it was very hot, then off to the garden centres to get some bits and bobs, then home again to relax out in the garden with the new RHS magazine.  And that was more or less it.

We planted out some courgettes and squashes.

We cleared the rest of the mess from the back middle.  The grass top right is the next allotment.

So it's looking good!  That patch at the front is for the baby corn plants.  They're going out next week.

Today looks as if it is going to be very similar but without the spending.  I spent enough yesterday!  We were tempted (and fell) to buy a 'lemon cucumber'.  A cucumber that looks a bit like a lemon (but no citrus flavour, it is just the looks).

Look - taken last night.  It shouldn't be long now, should it?

Have a great day.

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