Saturday 20 May 2017


What a gorgeously sunny morning it is out there.  It certainly makes a change from yesterday which was drizzly and cold (for the time of the year) all day, only brightening up come the evening.

We didn't go to the allotment, it was just too wet and neither of us fancied having to have a shower and change of clothes before facing the rest of the day, so Beth came round to mine and we did a bit of seed/plantlet stuff.  I potted on my little surprise tomatoes which are healthy enough but still tiny.  The ones I gave Dad are a bit bigger than mine due to being kept in a greenhouse, but are still pretty small so I guess that's true to type!  They will shoot up when we get consistent warmth and sunshine, I am sure.  Beth sowed leek and kale seeds.  Then we discussed future plans yet again, including what to do with the growing space over winter.

I popped off the the Craft Centre but it was damp and gloomy and a shop I was looking forward to going in (food, eggs, etc) has closed down and is now a junk shop.  I was tempted by some fabrics as I want to make cushions for the arbour, but wasn't sure enough of the match to get anything.

Dinner out was nice; I had nachos but couldn't finish the load they gave me.  I wish more places did smaller plate meals like the Hare (this wasn't the Hare) as I hate wasting food but rarely manage to finish the larger portions.

I forgot to mention the other day - my friend, Jackie, and I putour heads together and have some entertainment booked for the rest of the year.  Three shows in town and a number of coach outings including one that's a tour of the Suffolk coast finishing off with fish and chips by the sea.  I haven't had seaside fish and chips for the longest time - it seems to taste so much better eaten beside the sea.

Time for coffee, I think.  I hope your day is great and the weather stays fine and warm for us all.

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