Saturday 10 December 2016


Good morning, gentle readers.

After a very dull start yesterday, we ended up having a bit of sunshine which was very pleasant, but in other ways the morning was a bit of a disaster really.  I locked Beth out of the house for long enough for her to become extremely worried and didn't hear because I was upstairs, hadn't yet put in my hearing aids and am really as deaf as a post without them.
I couldn't find the house key later on either.

These things are sent to try us, aren't they.

I found the key in the 'wrong' part of my bag and we have worked out how Beth can get into the house even when the front door chain is on.

Once all that had died down, we loaded up my car with all the stuff for our stall before Beth left.

At around four, we drove to school and set up our table(s).  It all looked nice but I forgot to take my camera, annoyingly, so no photos.  We sold enough to make it worth our while and divvied up as soon as we got home.  There's loads left over so that will have to go upstairs for next year, after I have taken my pick of what I want for this year!

Today is a quiet day (I sincerely hope).  I shall potter around, do some knitting, some housework, maybe a bit of ironing and generally have a peaceful time.

Today's Christmas music if from the pen of the great Graham Kendrick and is one I have never 'performed' but love very much.  It's the thoughtful 'Thorns in the Straw'.

Coffee time.