Wednesday 7 December 2016

Wednesday - very early

Ooops - I'm having a wide awake night.  I don't get them very often but I know there's no point fighting them when they do come so I am down and doing.  I know that at some point sleep will return and then I will go back to bed and finish the night off asleep!

I shall need to set the alarm clock off though as I have an appointment this morning - an appointment with the Infant Christmas Show!  They're doing 'Whoops-a-Daisy Angel' which is a particular favourite of mine and one I 'produced' a number of years ago now.  Because I'm seeing it today, I didn't stay with the dress rehearsal yesterday, just helped the littlies to get changed, did my shopping and helped them back into their uniform again afterwards, not that they needed much help - they are very independent!

While Beth was working on something yesterday morning, I finished off the last few bits and bobs for the stall on Friday.  I took our donation to the raffle so that's off the list, and discovered where our stall will be.  I think we are more or less ready now.

I'm very busy working on another nativity crib set for reasons I will explain after Christmas.  I was a bit cross with myself yesterday.  One of the main parts of one of the shepherds seemed to be rather large.  I know that double knitting can knit up differently, depending on the make, but it wasn't until I had finished it that I realised I'd been using chunky, not DK.  Doh!
All sorted now.

So - today, once I finish getting my sleep, is in school first thing and then back home for some serious housework.  Later on there's tuition and after that it is governors' meeting so that is the evening taken care of.  I treated myself to some nice snowflake cookie cutters on Monday so I might make some shortbread snowflakes for the meeting.

That's it for today so fingers crossed I get some more sleep soon or I will be falling asleep later on instead of housework!  Not a good idea, looking around at the chaos I call my living room!

Have a good day!


  1. Hope you managed to get off to sleep again and didn't wake up with a fuzzy head. Since I've retired I noticed that every time I need to set the alarm clock I have a rotten night.

  2. I did, thanks, and I woke with the alarm feeling great! I'm so thankful!
    J x
