Friday 5 December 2014


Welcome to what is a chilly Friday morning here.  Brrrrrrrrrr.  Yesterday was the most dark and dismal day I can remember in a long while.  It drizzled from dawn till dusk and beyond and, of course, it was just my luck to be on playground duty.
well, of course.

The dress rehearsal went worrying well.  There were glitches, of course, and a few unforseen organisational issues, as always, which is one of the main points of a dress rehearsal for us.
It's always hard to be objective when you've been wrapped up in rehearsals for several weeks but people told me it was lovely.

Today is SEN day with some working from home, possibly.  I can live with that.

And now for coffee!!!


  1. I know what you mean about the weather - that's how it was when we drove back to Germany - so grey and wet and foggy and very, very cold. We needed the headlights on the whole day - really most unusual.
    So glad to hear the rehearsal went well, great news, and I am sure the glitches were nothing to worry about. I can absolutely believe how lovely it is, too.
    Have a lovely rest-of-Friday.
