Friday 26 December 2014

Friday: Boxing Day

Yesterday was such a lovely day.  Really pleasant from start to finish.  The morning was quite hectic once the dinner work started but before then we had time to sit, chat and read.  After dinner I was able to relax (and snooze) while others cleared up the mess.  Wonderful.

The turkey cooked fast but wasn't dry - Kelly bronzes never are, I have found.  When I go back to 'ordinary' turkeys again (and I will have to at some point because of the cost), I will have to remember it's a whole different cooking approach.

There's loads left over too, which is splendid.  I love Christmas leftovers and I won't have to cook today at all (or shop for more than fresh veg for a good week).  Suits me - I might be even fit for a game of Scrabble this afternoon.  So it's almost a repeat of yesterday's dinner - turkey and ham with trimmings, roasties and I shall mush the leftover vegs into a sort of bubble and squeak.  I'm glad I bought a head of broccoli which will ring the changes a bit.

Without the presence of little children to keep the excitement levels soaring we were able to defer present opening until late afternoon.  It amazes me every year that such a huge pile of wrapped things reduces to a much smaller stack of unwrapped and unboxed goodies.  I was well pleased with mine and I hope people liked what I bought them too.

Well, I must go and sort out some goodies for my brother to take home with him.  Ham, turkey, cake, mince pies, etc, etc, etc.
And - maybe another coffee . . . after all, it is jolly chilly outside and there might even be a bit of wet snow this afternoon.  Definitely reason for another coffee . . .

Happy Boxing Day to you all.


  1. Glad you had a good day! Just a note about the Kelly Bronze Turkeys: we went to Waitrose on Christmas Eve just 30 mins before closing and managed to buy a bronze free range turkey at half price. There were three left, fresh turkeys,absolutely lovely. Just a note for the future when income may be tighter!

  2. That's worth knowing, thanks. Half price is brilliant!
    J x
