Saturday 9 January 2016


Good morning, everyone.  I remembered this morning and am getting this written nice and early!  It feels a bit chilly although I haven't looked out yet and the BBC weather tells me that it is dry and quite a distance from freezing, unlike yesterday when we had a light frost.

We also had rain in the air for much of the day.  I don't mean proper showers, just drops falling now and again, making you think something was starting when, in fact, it wasn't.

After Hobbycraft, which was disappointing as they didn't have what I wanted and I was good and stuck to the list I came home and, after making an online order instead, spent much of the rest of the day crocheting.  Our new project for Kitty Stitches is making cat bum coasters.  They are cute and are proving very popular: we have several orders so I got going.

Today is the same as usual.  Bit of clearing up, bit of housework, bit of washing and ironing and then, duty done, some crochet.  It doesn't sound all that exciting, I know, but it suits me.  I'm still getting tired quickly so if necessary I can down the hook and snooze.

Today's food:
B:  porridge with pineapple and yogurt
L:  veg soup, apple
D:  tuna burgers, salad, coleslaw, fruit


  1. Best wishes for continued improvement and hope you feel 100% soon. Your mention of crocheting reminds me of a blog I found recently. I really love that circle blanket, reminds me of Lego ....

  2. Thanks, Annabeth. I'm fine, really, I just tire rather quickly.
    There's some lovely crochet on that blog. I love the hot water bottle holders.
    J x

  3. I will re attempt reading crochet patterns this year! I can single chain, double and treble crochet! But just in long lines! I once did two granny squares which was so stressful!!! I'd love to be able to make baby clothes as its so quick compared to knitting!!

  4. It is quicker but can be more fiddly, I find. What frustrates me is the difference in terminology between UK and USA patterns. It can be most confusing!
    J x
