Sunday 11 October 2015


Whinge alert.  Feel free to stop reading now!

At some point last week (can't remember which day) I developed a very uncomfortable throat.  Uh-oh, thought I, here we go . . . but it didn't develop into anything, it just went.  Phew.

Well, it seems it was just spying out the land because yesterday back it came with several little friends to set up temporary home!

Temperature, tight chest (no rude comments from the back, thank you), sore throat and a rather nasty unproductive cough plus, to add insult to injury, an upset tum with associated cramps.  Grrrrrrr . . .

Yesterday sort of went downhill afternoon and evening so today I'm opting out and having a pj day.  It's a nuisance because I had stuff planned (really so sorry, Beth) but never mind, it's good that I can.

Breakfast:  not a lot except for maybe coffee.
Rest of day:  no idea - it depends . . .

See - I advised you to stop reading, didn't I?  I'll be back to irritating normality soon, I am sure.


  1. Awww fell better soon sweetie, it'll be one of the germ ridden beings you heard read earlier in the week!

  2. It'll be fine, thanks, Rachel. A good whinge really helps, I find! I think I shall sleep a lot today!
    J x

  3. Hope you're feeling better after some resting time in bed. Get back to totally non-irritating normality soon!

  4. :-) The cough is becoming a pain in more than one way but the tum has settled, thank goodness. Thanks, Chrissie!
    J x
