Sunday 18 October 2015


Good morning, gentle readers.  This morning it is calm, clear, cold and dry (and still dark).  I'm hoping for another day like yesterday which was perfect for digging dowen the allotment.

Yes, we finally managed to get to the allotment and put in a few hours of good, solid clearing.  The bit we worked on, Beth, Alex and I, looked so much better when we had finished, although I felt distinctly the worse for wear and had a long hot bath with paracetamol when I got home. I'm a bit ouchy now but nothing that will stop me going again today to carry on.  I'm afraid it was all a bit of a mess but it won't be, when we have done the necessary and then the long cold winter that they say we are going to have can break up the clods and generally make the soil much more manageable!

I had an idea to which Beth has not replied!  Maybe I don't blame her.  Anyway, come the spring I want to make some bunting that can hang on the shed down there are make the place look cheerful and welcoming.  Sorry, Beth!

The other main thing I did yesterday was use a recipe I found on Facebook to make in my slow cooker and it was a great success.  As it was so delicious, I have blogged about it on the other blog - please take a look and see.  As I'm still on a mission to reduce the amount of stuff in my freezer, using up some chicken was great!  There's leftovers but they will be eaten this week.

I went shopping in Morrisons and they had pumpkins at 50p so I got one thinking 'roasted pumpkin soup for Sunday'.  I then discovered Beth doesn't like pumpkin, darn it.  Maybe I won't either, but I shall try it anyway and see.  In the meanwhile I will have to make something else for today.  Roasted tomato and lentil, perhaps.  I have some rolls in the freezer and we don't want anything too heavy before going to the allotment again.

Before then I need to rootle in the garden shed for more tools!  I'm sure I have shears of some kind and a rake would have been very useful yesterday.

Today's food:
Breakfast:  not a lot
Early lunch:  soup and roll
Dinner:  chicken and cashews with rice (yum)


  1. Oooo tea sounds nice! I'm going to have an hour in the garden later on when the sun gets on it. Stuff needs chopping back
    But then again I might just wait til half term next week!

  2. Not long to go, is there. I'm still thinking 'half term' even though it will only be one day different! :-)
    I've made a rather nice soup which I will probably blog later on (once it's been properly tested!).
    J x
